Why am I in a rut

Main LifeLeap Café Personal Growth Help Why am I in a rut

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated by Dale.
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  • #10580

      • United Kingdom
      • Topics: 3
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      Just a quick question if u could help me that would be great .
      For the last 18 months I’ve never had a day were I havnt had something bad happen in my life in that time.
      My brother he’s 22 had a bleed on the brain at the same time my dad found out he has cancer also my partner who I lived left me for someone else . Am always helping other people will I ever feel like am not lost I have no energy feel so drained how can I shift this please x


        • United States
          Credits: 775.00


          Sorry to hear of your struggles. I would try to get your mind off of how bad things have been and instead, get it on what you have to do to create a better future for yourself. You might notice this in itself, will start bringing more positive experiences to you.

          You can’t always control what happens in your life, but you can control how you react to it. I would suggest getting some training – some tools that will allow you to feel better and start spiritually attracting more of what you want. We have training here and you will find other approaches elsewhere.

          - Dale Sellers

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