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- October 28, 2019 at 5:31 pm #19404
I first want to express my gratitude for this community. I am seeking some guidance.
My name is Natalie.
I was catapulted into my transformative journey without realising it at the time, a couple of years ago when I left my job and was extremely depressed. It has been a very slow process but the rewards are greater than I could have ever imagined. The best way I can describe a constant feeling that I’ve been having is that I’m so close to something, but almost like I have too much energy and excitement to focus it. I’ve also come to appreciate this feeling as a part of my transformation.
It’s been a journey of depression, enlightenment, trauma healing, rebirth of the ego and returning to my truth. I have so many questions and I’m struggling to find a way to convey this clearly. I have questions about the trauma that may have been taken place in my life, and the intuitive gifts that I have and what they mean to me in this lifetime. How am I supposed to be using my gifts on this earth and what do I need to know about this trauma to release it or understand what it is teaching me.
I’d love to elaborate more but I’m overwhelmed with specific details and not sure how to translate it at this moment.
Any guidance is appreciated. Thank you ?
October 28, 2019 at 5:49 pm #19405I do want to quick add that I’ve learned that my depression and anxiety I was experiencing I’ve come to find was my truth as an empath, a highly sensitive person. With the appreciation of that knowledge, it is still SO apparent in my life and I’m still learning the boundaries and lessons to protect myself. Any guidance on protection but also using your gifts for the greater good would also be appreciated.
October 29, 2019 at 6:34 pm #19406Client intention/questions for the sessions:
Am I about to have a spiritual (transformative) breakthrough?
Why have I been through a traumatic journey, and how can heal and learn from it?
What can I do with my spiritual gifts in this lifetime?
As an empath, how can I protect myself?Impressions from the Quantum Field: Greetings, Natalie, thank you for the honor of this reading.
I welcome Master Lanto to assist me with this reading. Master of the Golden Ray, thank you for your presence. It is an honor to be your student. Ascended Master Melchizedek, yes, thank you for coming in. Your assistance is also needed for this reading.
Natalie, we come into this world with a contract that we make as we prepare to reincarnate back to Earth. Those contracts have certain lessons we hope to accomplish while here. Trauma (and I believe I saw it as I connected with your energy) is experienced so that we take away lessons that will help lift to a higher frequency/vibration along our spiritual path. Healing from trauma is a personal experience. There are counselors who can assist us in the physical world. For our spiritual healing, you can journal, light candles, plant a tree, go to a spiritual vacation spot (many are found on the internet). A simple walk in your back yard with the intention of healing is also appropriate. Healing comes from our intention to heal. You can have a Reiki energy healing session. With your permission, I can send Reiki energy to you tonight. Again, healing starts with the intention that you want to heal. What appeals to you? Which modality or experience resonates with “healing” to you? Use the one that “feels” right to you. Then believe that healing will occur from all your cells of your body, in the all dimensions through space and time. Many of the cycles of trauma we go through in this lifetime, probably happened in a previous lifetime. A life regression session would reveal this. Anyway, so we don’t get lost in all this information. First and foremost, have the intention that you ARE going to heal your trauma.
Yes, you are about to have a spiritual breakthrough. My suggestion is to book a session with Dale Sellers. I can guarantee he will assist you in breaking through much faster than I can in the suggestions I’m about to describe for you. He can safely assist you in unblocking your chakras and assist you in this breakthrough.
There are blocked chakras that are keeping you from feeling safe in this experience. This is garbage kept from the trauma you experienced.
This feeling you are having has become ethereal, and you like it, but you are stuck there. I want to suggest a few steps you can take.
1. First and foremost, relax. Be in a place of calmness. Take a relaxing bath with roses (This is one of my common suggestions). You can use real roses or purchase rose essential oil. It has the highest frequency of all the essential oils. If you are cleansing or clearing, use Epsom salt with lemon juice. However, for this breakthrough, use roses.
2. After the relaxing bath, “Fall” into the feeling. Be in a place of consciousness and subconsciousness…daydream…loosen up. Don’t get too serious or think too deeply about it. Getting too heavy into thinking about it will block the breakthrough. Have fun with this feeling. Ask your guides to assist you, and ask, “Thank you for your presence. Please assist me in having a spiritual break through.”
3. Let go of any ideas you may have about what is going to happen. Let go of all attachment to outcome.
Spiritual gifts are precious, and it is my belief should be used to assist others. This can come by going public and establishing a spiritual healing/psychic reading business, or it can be something you use for yourself, family, and friends. There are many ways to use your gifts. You can create jewelry that is energized specifically to your client’s needs. You can paint or draw the visions that you see. You can share downloads you get, and thereby helping all of humanity through your blogs, books, or speaking engagements. You can be a spiritual light at your work place. Raising the vibration in the office. You can create a peace pole to send positive energy to a hostile world.
Some protective practices begin in the imagination. Your imagination is a powerful tool. Visualize that you are in a white balloon/bubble of protection when you are around people, especially in crowds. I usually shower before going to bed with the intention that all the energy that attached itself to me that is not for my higher purpose be washed away. Some people take their dominant hand and swipe their chakras with the intention that all that does not serve their higher purpose be removed and sent to realms and dimensions to beings that can handle these energies.
There are many, many other practices easily found on the internet, and spiritual books.
THE CARDS OF CLARITY suggest that you find clarity through self-discovery. Trust your intuition. It will guide you. Archangel Raphael holds his emerald and says to feel it radiate its power through you. Know that all is healed in this moment. You are being gifted with the opportunity to heal at all levels and realms. You are stuck in this experience and are unable to move on. Let go of resisting. AA Raphael says to partner with the Universe in your healing. You are not alone in this journey towards healing.
Live an authentic life and speak your truth. Do not hide in the shadows. Your crown chakra is overexposed. Send that energy down to your lower chakras. Balance your chakra, or have a Reiki session to assist you in balancing your chakras.
AA Haniel (8) shows up to express that healing occurs in many levels and through infinity. Be ONE with the energy that surrounds you. Feel the Divine Flow and ask it to help you break through. Begin by balancing your daily activities with those that bring you joy. You have been working too hard, and you feel depleted of your life force.
AA Michael is here to assist you to have courage. He is here to call forth courage and protection. Let your heart relax as your courage comes forward. I am told you are hiding your gifts. It is time to be seen and heard.
Your sacral chakra is asking for help and healing. Your creative force is blocked. You need movement to loosen that which has been locked away through trauma.
Be compassionate to yourself. You are to others. Why not to yourself? The love of the Universe is here to help you through life traumas. “We are here!!” Say all the Archangels, angels, ascended masters, Benevolent Ones, and so many others.
See the Violet Ray envelope you. See the violet fire consume your traumatic experience, and transmute it to an energy that will assist you in coming full circle back to yourself.
Love yourself unconditionally. Most people, especially women, do not love themselves enough. You are the STAR in this experience in this lifetime.
The power within will get you through. Spend some time energizing your solar plexus. Let it shine like the sun that warms you.
The Universal Rainbow says, “You are the Miracle!” “This is the moment you have been waiting for, let the miracle manifest in you, through you and as you.” (Cards of Clarity)
Ascended Master Sanat Kumara says to take the rose bath Melinda suggested. You are at a time of great cleansing. Re-examine what has occurred. Allow yourself to find the gift inside that is shaking up of your world. What is the gift that you find in this package? Gaze into a white candle while you are in the bath tub and bring forth your highest guidance. Your energy field is clearing and so is your life.
Have mercy with yourself. You couldn’t have done anything different to prevent what happened. Now be patient and loving as you heal.
Thank you Master Lanto and Ascended Master Melchizedek and all others who were present during this reading. All is well. Aho!October 30, 2019 at 1:53 am #19407Thank you so much for this message ?
Very helpful
October 30, 2019 at 1:38 pm #19408You are very welcomed. Would you like a Reiki remote healing?
October 31, 2019 at 6:28 pm #19410Thank you again, I would honor and appreciate reiki healing energy.
Since I’ve read this I’ve been visioning emerald gold and golden yellow which has helped me so much. This information is so useful to me.October 31, 2019 at 7:07 pm #19411Hello, Natalie, I will do the Reiki Remote Healing session today, to be transmitted to you at your time at 6:00 am tomorrow on November 1, 2019. I will use the distance, physical, and emotional symbols to transmit this beautiful energy to you.
Both of our intentions are that you be healed from your trauma through all dimensions of space and time, through all lifetimes. May you not feel guilty for anything that happened. May you walk in authenticity speaking your truth as your pain (physical and emotional) is transmuted to joy through the alchemy of the Universe.In Spirit and LOVE, Melinda
Aho!October 31, 2019 at 7:17 pm #19412You can hold an emerald, or a green crystal tomorrow, or even tonight. Program it to assist in your healing. First ask the crystal if it wants to assist in your healing. If it says “NO”, ask another crystal. If you can’t find a crystal that accepts your invitation (this is rare, but could happen), then you are probably not meant to use a crystal.
I am sure you are intuitive enough to “hear” the crystal’s answer. Then attune it by setting an intention that the crystal will assist you. Create any ritual which resonates with you. I use my mind to see a swirl of energy going up to the Universe as I state my intention/programming for the crystal. You can use your hands, or even a wand if you want to feel magical. Just do what feels right to you. I like numbers, so I use 3 twirls, since that is my Master Soul Code.
Have fun doing this. Feel like Merlin. Smile and know that the Universe will assist you when you ask.All my love, Melinda
November 1, 2019 at 2:47 am #19414Deepest gratitude ?
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