To 'Work' a Healing or Not to even try!

Main Metaphysics and Paranormal Metaphysical Healing To 'Work' a Healing or Not to even try!

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      All healing, to my way of thinking and doing is a learning process.
      If it’s a learning process, than it can, and would be fine tuned, as it progressed, along the healers, spiritual timeline.
      Most of all though, it takes ‘practice’, over and over, many fold, to reach a point of really ‘doing some good, in the healing of another ‘.

      Getting any kind of feedback, for me was a problem.
      No, not about the healers ‘ego’ stuff, but ‘what’ needs to be modified to really get in tune with ‘the person’ seeking a healing.

      Now lets clear the air here ‘It is not your own energy that is healing, but the energy that comes from Source, from the Divine, from the Universe’.

      Is it possable to get ‘rusty’, or ‘less efficient’, through the ‘not’ using that ability, to me, that answer is a definate ‘ YES’.
      Has been my experience to ‘use it or lose it’.

      Another huge impediment for me was ‘ I have a serious health issue’.
      Why not just heal it you ask?
      Folks it just don’t work that way
      Won’t bore you with the details of all the things done, endeavoring to overcome that serious health issue, that is still an issue.
      What I did do is ask the Universe ‘what lesson am I to learn from this serious health issue’!

      Should I continue toward and with the healing efforts?

      Did I get any responses from Source?
      Am I going to talk about them?
      Nope, do and will keep some things private.

      So, if you have some ability, but you need a push into ‘doing’ your ‘thing’, healing wise, consider this, that PUSH.

      Did post one short youtube video doing a healing session.
      It brought out the good, the online Trolls, along with numerous comments.


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        Is this strait foreword energy healing. Or rahaiki I know I misspelled that. But there is laying of hands and then concentration healing where you affix an image in your mind and concentrate. Also there are just I guess people that just unconsciously do it. Then some people heal but take on part of pain temporarily. I guess it is not normal. But to be truthful a lot of are abilities are not normal. I think it is just because we use more of our brain than most and both sides of our brain.which opens the creative and logical side of our brain, which in turn allows us more brain function. Just my philophisy.
        I have not ever interacted but with one other gifted or cursed person depending on how you look at it. So forgive me if I offend or step on toes.

        Living life to my ability!


          • United States
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            Talker – great post. I agree with so much that you have shared. Thanks for the video and keep up the good work. If someone tries to get in your way, throw some of that energy at them and knock them on their butt (just a joke, but I have seen the done before).

            Mae – Talker will have to answer for himself, but I think a lot of it is finding something that works for you and sticking with it. Sometimes technique can be important, but watch out about falling into the ranks, labels, systems, categories, etc.

            Some of the best teachers/healers I had were doing work way before any of the current modalities existed, even before the New Age existed. Ironically, I saw some of those folks get better results than any of the new stuff floating around.

            If you are serious about learning, I would suggest looking for a good teacher – someone you can at least talk with on the phone. It will make your growth as a student much more easier and effective. Find something that is a good fit for you.

            - Dale Sellers


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              Talker – great post. I agree with so much that you have shared. Thanks for the video and keep up the good work. If someone tries to get in your way, throw some of that energy at them and knock them on their butt (just a joke, but I have seen the done before).

              Thank you Dale. The video was a first effort and while some what flawed, wasn’t to bad.

              <blockquote>Mae – Talker will have to answer for himself, but I think a lot of it is finding something that works for you and sticking with it. Sometimes technique can be important, but watch out about falling into the ranks, labels, systems, categories, etc.

              I looked into various healing modalities, and what I use now is a composite of what had been looked into and practiced. Am very ‘at ease’ with what I now use.

              Some of the best teachers/healers I had were doing work way before any of the current modalities existed, even before the New Age existed. Ironically, I saw some of those folks get better results than any of the new stuff floating around.

              If you are serious about learning, I would suggest looking for a good teacher – someone you can at least talk with on the phone. It will make your growth as a student much more easier and effective. Find something that is a good fit for you.
              Yes, I agree , Dale. Would have been neat to have had anyone to help through the rough spots.
              Be Well


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                In that I kinda screwed up the post in this section, felt that my reply for this screw up should also show up here.
                While I’m not a total stranger to using some coding, am some what new with the ‘b-quote’as shown above the message area when doing a reply.

                So going to venture a bit with a few trial sentences, so excuse the look of the next few sentences.
                The brown fox jumped over the red

                  fence while eyeing
                  the chicken coop.
              • The wily farmer
              • with his guard dog were keeping an eye on the brown fox.

                And now to see what it all looks like. Ha
                be Well

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