The study of witchcraft

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      When I was younger, (about 14, 15 years old), my Mom and I were studying witchcraft. We would hold study sessions, just her and I, when no one else was around. We had a family friend, who was a “white witch”, as he called himself. Several months into our studying, I had this weird feeling in my gut. I had no idea what was about to happen, just that something was. It was minorly painful, but mostly just.. a bad feeling. Less than a week later, I went outside to take care of our goats we had back then. I did my chores, and on the way back into the house, I found this small black cat. He was so thin, I figured he was starving to death, so I brought him in and offered him some leftover steak pieces from the night before. He showed no interest in them at all. What he did show interest in, was my Mother, sleeping on the couch several feet away. He was clawing at me a little, mostly just trying to get away from me. I set him down to see what he would do. He went straight for my sleeping Mom, claws and fangs out, hissing and growling. I picked him up before he got to her thinking that was odd.. I petted him for a while and got him purring, and then tried again, and he reacted the same way. I put him back outside and informed Mom of what had happened when she woke up. The cat just kind of hung around, which was weird because our dogs really didn’t like cats at all. Every time it got anywhere near my Mom, it would try to attack her. About a week after the cat showing up, my brother started to suffer from what I can only describe as night terrors. He would fall asleep, and while he was asleep, he would scream and cry and punch and kick. We would wake him up, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to do so each time it happened. Mom decided it was time to call for the help of our good white witch friend, known as “Lee”. Lee came over and did a test with the cat, and watched my brother freak out as he slept, to try to get a better understanding of what might be happening. He then woke my brother and told him to try his hardest to stay awake until he could finish performing a ritual or ceremony to ward off evil. So “Lee” got a bunch of incense and herbs together, told Mom and I to go through the house and turn every mirror backwards, facing the walls, and he read some words from a special book and had us walk a few circles around our house, saying something like “I cast evil out, and invite goodness in” (not sure exactly, it’s been over twenty years), and had us throw white salt over our shoulder as we did this. Once we we’re finished, we we’re all really tired, since we’d been up all day and all night too, my brother was the first to fall asleep, and we stayed up for a while watching over him. He slept peacefully. No screaming, no crying, kicking or punching, not even a twitch. Then Mom and I went to sleep, and when we woke up, I went out and searched everywhere for that black cat, but he was gone. Instead, I saw a beautiful, fluffy, healthy looking white cat, which never got very close to any of us, it just kind of hung around for about 6 months. “Lee” neither brought any cats with him, nor took any with him, the neighbor’s place was abandoned at the time. We live 13+ miles from the nearest town. After that incident though, Mom and I decided we had unwittingly opened some kind of “door” that we did not know how to close, so we stopped studying for good..


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          Thanks for sharing. I’m not advocating witchcraft, as this is a different path than what we discuss/offer here. Although, I’ve met quite a few practicing witches and most of them seemed happier and more balanced than any average person.

          Not sure if what you experienced is a mere coincidence, or if something odd occurred from the types of rituals you were conducting. Depending on what types of things you play around with, these types of things can sometimes happen. But in my experience, you have to be breaking some major rules to really get yourself into any type of trouble.

          I see witchcraft as just another form of metaphysical study/practice. And as far a metaphysics, you are already living in this reality anyway. You are already influencing other people/events on a metaphysical level and you are being influenced. You are attracting and you are repelling depending on you deep down thoughts, emotions, patterns, etc. Quantum mechanics (Princeton, Duke, Oxford, etc) backs up a lot of this with science.

          I decided years ago if I am already “doing it,” I might as well get good at it. And, it’s worked out well for me.

          As far as dangers, I think you have more of a chance of getting hurt on the freeway going 75 mph, than anything you can do with metaphysics (but most people oddly don’t look at it this way). Just something to contemplate!.

          - Dale Sellers


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            🙂 Retweet : (I decided years ago if I am already “doing it,” I might as well get good at it. And, it’s worked out well for me.As far as dangers, I think you have more of a chance of getting hurt on the freeway going 75 mph, than anything you can do with metaphysics (but most people oddly don’t look at it this way). Just something to contemplate!.)

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