the difference between imagination and psychic messages

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      I’d like my psychic messages to last more than the blink of an eye and how to tell if it’s my imagination or psychic message before it’s too late. It happens so fast and it’s hard to tell if these messages come from my psyche or imagination.


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        As I focus on you, I see your short concentration is caused by a poor diet. You are consuming too much sugar drinks and snacks. The food you eat at meals is not always healthy either. Once you get your diet cleaned up, take a basic yoga class.


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          Thank you for the response. I feel in you what happens to me. I mirror things. You called out the opposite. I was training for a figure competition. I don’t eat candy or cake. I workout three times a week and I cut out the salt. I’m an HSP empath and sometimes I feel things from others. I visualize naturally and things wiz in and out pretty quick not being sure if it’s my psychic message or imagination.
          Any and all information is helpful. 😉


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            Could you just be picking up on many things at a time? Does mediation help everything slow down?


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              This is an interesting question. I don’t have a good answer. But I am curious what the distinction even means.

              If visualization and imagination have psychic effects on the universe, then perhaps your imagination is as important as your insight. But I would be interested to hear what others think the difference is–and whether it is decernable.


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                Hi Nicole and thank you. I have a hard time meditating. I’m an Empath and we feel like we are living in a dream or awake in a dream and it makes me stay in constant awareness. I think in pictures and what i feel shows up in pictures. There’s always a movie in my head weather it’s an imaginative thought or a to do list but sometimes it’s hard to know weather I’m getting a psychic message or it’s an imaginative thought. My thoughts are not always controlled. A controlled thought would be, “Ok, don’t forget to get the dry cleaning”. A non controlled thought are things that just pop into ones mind out of no where. My imagination pops in the same way. non controlled thus the confusion. Thank you for reading and responding.


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                  I am as well. I heard a doctor say that it is the imagination that is responsible for falling in love. Is it true?. I don’t know. I find things like love and time mysterious with a message and that they are unique in itself unlike “respect” and “consideration”. Or “kindness and caring”. These are simple and direct to me but love and time are an almanac. lol. Love and time are magical. I do know that in sending any type of energy or even meditating, some imagination comes into play. In meditation, visualization come into play. Is that visualization controlled or is it just things that pop up?. Like you, I’m interested to know more. Deciphering which is imaginative or which is real will help me help others and hopefully in the knick of time. That’s another thing. Sometimes between the psychic message to the time that the message takes place, could be a minute to a year, making me never ready to anticipate the occurrence in order to intervene properly.


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                      One method to use: if you have an impression (image in the mind, feeling, etc) and you can change it, it’s likely imagination. If you can’t change it, or when you try to change it and it keeps coming back, then it is often a true psychic-based impression.

                      Another suggestion is plain and simple practice. For example, when you have an impression about something and you can test it, pay attention to how you felt when you had the psychic impression. For example, if you have a vision and that vision becomes true (a real psychic event), pay attention to the specifics of your experience when you were having the psychic vision. Were you hands tingling, did you feel emotion in a specific place in your body, did you feel a little spacey or did you hear a slight ringing in your ears?

                      Next, when you have an impression and it turns out not to be accurate (just imagination), pay attention to how your experience when you were not accurate. Did you feel emotion in a specific place in your body, did you notice a certain feeling you were experiencing or did you body feel a certain unique kind of way?

                      With some practice and maybe some trial and error, you will be able to identify the differences between when you are having a true psychic impression and when you are just imagining something. The differences are there – you just have to be able to identify and recognize them when they occur. This will give you a better gauge of what is occurring when you have an impression.

                      There are more advanced methods of understanding and gaining better awareness of these types of things, but this requires formal training (not something I’m comfortable posting here).

                      Play around with the listed suggestions and let us know how these work out for you.

                      - Dale Sellers


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                        I am Clairvoyant and clairsentient, however, I can not hear what the entity is trying to tell me. I can see their mouths moving and will get a word once in awhile, but I get frustrated because I do want to hear what they are saying. How can I enhance that area in my psychic growth and experiences? Thank you for any help you can give me.


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                            Sounds like intuition to me. Take a deep breath and listen.


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                              Well since you are an athlete I think that’s the reason your messages come so fast. I went through a process of trying to read my own heart and discern my intentions whether they were good or bad. At the same time I was very connected to creation. It was quite a painful process having to learn the good and bad things about myself. A very extreme mixture of constant emotions which eventually reached a plateau and now I am very in tune and have, I would consider, a complete self confidence. I think of an exercise you could do at home when you have the opportunity to slow down. Breathe, close your eyes, start speaking words to yourself and discern the feeling in your heart. Put a word to the feeling. You can really comprehend and be able to assign feelings with thoughts more clearly but I wouldn’t worry if I were you. I would not worry about being wrong because you seem to do it on a more subconscious level because you’re very active and that is very good. It’s when you start thinking too much when you could be wrong.


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                                One method to use: if you have an impression (image in the mind, feeling, etc) and you can change it, it’s likely imagination. If you can’t change it, or when you try to change it and it keeps coming back, then it is often a true psychic-based impression.

                                Another suggestion is plain and simple practice. For example, when you have an impression about something and you can test it, pay attention to how you felt when you had the psychic impression. For example, if you have a vision and that vision becomes true (a real psychic event), pay attention to the specifics of your experience when you were having the psychic vision. Were you hands tingling, did you feel emotion in a specific place in your body, did you feel a little spacey or did you hear a slight ringing in your ears?

                                Next, when you have an impression and it turns out not to be accurate (just imagination), pay attention to how your experience when you were not accurate. Did you feel emotion in a specific place in your body, did you notice a certain feeling you were experiencing or did you body feel a certain unique kind of way?

                                With some practice and maybe some trial and error, you will be able to identify the differences between when you are having a true psychic impression and when you are just imagining something. The differences are there – you just have to be able to identify and recognize them when they occur. This will give you a better gauge of what is occurring when you have an impression.

                                There are more advanced methods of understanding and gaining better awareness of these types of things, but this requires formal training (not something I’m comfortable posting here).

                                Play around with the listed suggestions and let us know how these work out for you.

                                Superb Dale…Thank you. I will be trying those strategies very soon. That’s awesome. Definitely good exercise.


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                                  Well since you are an athlete I think that’s the reason your messages come so fast. I went through a process of trying to read my own heart and discern my intentions whether they were good or bad. At the same time I was very connected to creation. It was quite a painful process having to learn the good and bad things about myself. A very extreme mixture of constant emotions which eventually reached a plateau and now I am very in tune and have, I would consider, a complete self confidence. I think of an exercise you could do at home when you have the opportunity to slow down. Breathe, close your eyes, start speaking words to yourself and discern the feeling in your heart. Put a word to the feeling. You can really comprehend and be able to assign feelings with thoughts more clearly but I wouldn’t worry if I were you. I would not worry about being wrong because you seem to do it on a more subconscious level because you’re very active and that is very good. It’s when you start thinking too much when you could be wrong.

                                  You know?… I like that. Thank you. 🙂


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                                    As an HSP Empath your body is highly sensative to stress. Rest is the key for an Empath. All things like everyday stress, Diets and changes in life style can cause changes to you your gifts. I feel these things have cause blocks in your Chakras. The Chakra I am picking up is the solar plexus chakra in the abdominal area. I feel fatigue is also an issue creating this energy disturbance. Pushing yourself to hard is not advised. I feel if you work with you Chakras and slow down to take time for yourself you will see a big difference in your ability.

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