Talker on Health & Emotional Factors

Main LifeLeap Café Personal Growth Help Talker on Health & Emotional Factors

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated by Dale.
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      Here is a great way to correct negative emotional energies.
      # 3 Health & Emotional Factors
      Talker says, Welcome back! Lets share the love by posting a comment
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      # 4 Health & Emotional Factors
      Wont go into the lengthy details involved with this matter, but have been reading many articles that mention the tie-in, of ones emotions, being reflected in their quality of health. Some are good reads, while others are so complex that you just ignore them. The start of it all can be traced to what is often called “The Good Book”, namely “The Bible”. Now I do some issues as regards the bible, see my ” Religious Quandary” on this site, but don’t misconstrue what was said there. In reading the EFT ( Emotional Freedom Techniques ) material, I was very impressed with the utter simplicity of the process and what can be achieved, if one did use it. When I downloaded the free manual, it covered in great detail, how to perform the process. One need not buy any thing more to use it. There is an option of course, to buy some CD’s, but are not necessary to actually use the process. I was impressed enough to buy three sections of the material, so I could actually see and hear what was taking place. One is encouraged to copy and pass along the copies to whom ever you want. Eventually will obtain the rest of the material offered. For now though, I’m good for a year or so , with what I have.
      Why not give it a try, with just the free manual?
      The link is:


        • United States
          Credits: 775.00

          Thanks for sharing. I’ve had a lot of clients and students over the years who were not satisfied with the results of tapping. For getting control of emotions, I would suggest methods which involve using past experiences to key in on emotional states. You fill find such methods here, but also in NLP and NAC. Just my 2 cents.

          - Dale Sellers

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