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      I feel like I’m continuously going through the same viscous cycle in my life. My past 2 employers to me have not been good people. I lost my job for no reason and I feel scared, stuck, and alone.
      People think I’m the problem. I just know I’m tired and I want stability.
      I want a relationship but my life is like some stupid roller coaster I can never get off of.
      I’m trying not to get on my soap box, but why is my life like this?


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        I’m getting a psychic sense of two factors:

        1. Job situations are often tough. Bosses often get hired because they make good jerks. Most business are all about profits, not people. Humans can be competitive, negative, and petty by nature.

        2. You have some negative funky energy. It’s tricky to be positive when it seems life has beaten you up over and over again. I get a sense a part of you expects things to go wrong. Even when you get a new job, there’s a thing inside that says “It’s just a matter of time.”

        Until you fix number 2, you will likely keep getting the same results in life. You are spirituality pulling in junk like a magnet. I suggest going inside of yourself and doing whatever you have to do to get control over yourself, especially your deep emotions and beliefs. This control what you spiritually attract in life. Is this easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes. Once you take these steps, you WILL start spiritually attracting different people and opportunities into your life. This is the formula used by successful people. Rather than seeing themselves as victims in life, they take the steps to create the life they want. If you can’t figure out how to do this on your own, get some help. Here’s a good book:

        Also, as far as emotions and spiritual attraction, see the Life Mastery Program on this site.

        Also, I get a psychic sense about you starting and running a small business. Have you thought about this? I’m sensing you have the fire inside of an entrepreneur, although you may need to fix some confidence issues first.


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          Wow. Thank you, I think you’re pretty accurate. I want to start my own business but I’m at a crossroad of what I have to do versus what I want to do. If that makes any sense.
          I will read the suggested literature and try to apply it. I understand what you’re saying I just don’t understand how I end up in those job paths.
          I know I’m tired. I feel like someone sucked up all my positive energy.
          I can’t believe I’m attracting that. I got rid of a lot of people in my life so hopefully that will help.
          Sometimes it’s hard for me to understand my own feelings. Do you think I can fix #2?


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            The business feels good. I get a sense now is the time to do research. I know you can fix number 2, but probably not on your own. I mean, have you been able to do it so far on your own? I’d consider doing what most people do…get some training to learn how to understand and control yourself. You can see the Life Mastery Program here, or you might be able to find something else.

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