Struggling with direction in my life

Main LifeLeap Café Free Psychic Questions Struggling with direction in my life

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      I am struggling with finding direction in my life. This struggle seems to have consumed me on the whole. I am an intelligent gifted individual with a boatload of skills I cannot seem to grasp any direction as to where I should apply them i have many career ideas but no course of action. My struggle extends into my personal life. Ive been with the one I believe my soulmate over 20 yrs we both love each other a great deal. Cicumstances have forced us to live in different states.He has been trying to move back hete where I am but keeps meeting with roadblocks… Or perhaps he just likes it there. I struggle with choosing to stay where I am and hoping he finds his way home or moving back up where he is. Is it timing that its all at once or is the struggle within myself?


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        I get the long distance thing has been going on for some time, maybe 6 months or more. At least it feels like that to me.

        I would suggest putting a time line on it. Give him a ultimatum with conditions. Maybe 6 more months at the most. If he doesn’t make it happen by that time period you can walk away and move on with your life.

        I get a sense he could make it happen soon if he really set his mind to it.

        I keep seeing him driving something. Maybe a truck. I mean he’s not in the military is he?


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          Wow ok 6 months exactly…. Thats how long its been. But now you are saying something that might explain…. We have a motorhome up there that I told him to sell or give away…. I heard he was fixing it perhaps he was thinking about bringing it home? Do you feel like he wants to come back but something is keeping him there? He has been helping a family member up there. Or does he like it there? Ok lets just say it …. No fear right? Does he still want the relationship/ love me? And do get anything on my career end? This helps…. Your gifted! Thank you!


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            I get a psychic vibe he does still care, does still want to be with you, and a part of him wants to come back.

            I also see him procrastinating, avoiding facing the important issues, and stalling moving forward with everything. He’s not a bad person, but it feels like he could really do a lot more.

            I also see your participation in this a big factor. It’s not your fault, but you are doing some things that are not helping. You could be doing a lot more to make this happen. Not so much when you talk to him, but who you are “being” in the situation.

            I suggest looking at the article Dale wrote:



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              Ok I have read the article and I see where I need to change some things but You used the term “being” in a way that makes me think its important and I cannot grasp who I am being. I can see ways that I act and react but not clear. You have done so much already i hate to ask any more of you…. Its too important…. Do i need to back off and let him come to me? Should I stop sending him money when he needs it? I contacted a psychic before joining here and got a reply today. She said there is another womans presence with him and its someone he feels strongly about but that seems like it was the lure to bring me in…. Any thoughts?


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                I can’t speak for Ronald, but I believe the article is saying that your emotional state spiritually controls and influences much of the outcome in your life. If your lover is 1000 miles away and you are projecting hopelessness, frustration, desperation, etc, you are pushing them away on a metaphysical level. It’s not necessarily your fault, but you are participating. Getting absolute control over your emotions if critical if you want to have control and influence over your own life, including the people in your life. As I take a psychic look, I wouldn’t recommend backing off at this point (if you want to have a chance of repairing relationship). Would I would suggest is working on yourself so you are different person in this situation: stronger, more positive, more open to the outcome, more focused on the love you feel, etc – instead of all the damaging negative stuff. Also, my first impression is the other psychic is bogus, just trying to hook you in. Feels like another scam to me. I could be wrong, but I see no other woman.


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                  Thank you so much…. Of course its nice to hear you dont feel another womans presence,my heart told me there wasnt one but the past has had some so my head takes over lol (still learning to trust my first impression of things) The most valuable info here however is what I need to work on…. We ARE a little over 1000 miles apart and that does make it hard. I am certainly going to concentrate on gaining a positive mind set so thats the energy I am transfering. Im glad you mentioned backing away may not be the best idea. Mark likes attention and I worried he would take that as rejection. Thank you for the insight and wisdom Im enjoying all the valuable information the site has….. You are gifted keep it up Blessings always!


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                    In addition to everything we have discussed some concern was voiced to me that Mark might possibly be doing heroin…. He is supposed to call me today and I wanted to know if I should mention the woman or the heroin….truth is Something IS off with him that I will say I have noticed….but I dont want to accuse him of anything. I want to keep the conversation positive and want to work on building our relationship. On the other hand If he is in trouble I dont want to miss the chance to let him know he I will not judge him, be angry with him and I will help him. My own intuition tells me something is amiss, but my head and my heart are working against one another. Any thoughts?

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