Struggling with a weight issue

Main LifeLeap Café Personal Growth Help Struggling with a weight issue

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      I’ve been going back and fourth with loosing and gaining weight for years. I know a lot of people are overweight in this country, but I’m not going to accept it. For me, I think a lot of it has to do with my attitude. I don’t think I am setting a good example for my daughter either. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting the weight off and being healthier? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!


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          Val88 – while we aren’t weight loss experts here, our staff has done a lot of nutritional research over the years – Berkley Wellness report, etc. Here are some of the biggies to consider:

            Instead of focusing on loosing weight, focus on creating a healthier lifestyle for yourself. Find things that you enjoy that are active, that involve exercise. When you just quit something, this leaves a big empty hole inside. Instead, start doing things you enjoy that are healthy and fill the hole before you take anything away. This is often a more successful way to creating better habits in your life.

          As far as nutrition, try some of these basics:

            Instead of not eating, try eating 12 ounces of food every 4 hours. Many people make the mistake of not eating when trying to loose weight. Unfortunately, when this happens, our bodies start to digest our muscle instead of our fat. To burn fat, the body needs nutrients.

            Try to find a replacement for any soft drinks, high sugar foods, etc. Try to eat more protein and veggies, especially varieties that you enjoy.

            Try to eat as much locally grown organic produce as you can – research has proven that pesticide laden food locks up the cells that burn fat – so not only do pesticides poison you slowly, they keep you from loosing weight

          And most important, work on what you focus on – work to get control over your emotion and thinking. Instead of dwelling in how bad things have been or how bad things are, get you focus on where you want to be and what you have to do to get there. This is often easier said than done. if you have challenges with this, don’t hesitate to get some help. there are some great books on these things. We also tackle this head on in our Life Mastery Program.

          These are just some starters. I’m sure others have more to add.

          Keep in touch and let us know how this progresses, even if you slip.

          - Dale Sellers


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            I have too much weight on my body frame also and you know what I believe a good place to start is to first love Yourself as God Loves you, and begin right when you are. Yesterday I saw an interesting video on Youtube it was this man he called himself the life regenerator, once I started watching these video’s I realized how we as people get so held down with responsibilities day in and day out that we forget the most basic things of all, one being: Eat only whole foods that God created for us, also they said that you loose 1 pound a day, Wow. This man was juicing all day long when hungry and eating fruits and vegetables also, & nuts seeds. It may make you think more like I did about getting the body cleansed out and preparred to receive Great enlightment from God. I am also going to begin this method that I have just spoken to you about, Be Blessed. 4countryangel


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              Val88-I have gained six pounds since last week! I understand how you feel, and I am going through the same thing. I know what Dale is saying is very true about eating right. Nutritional knowledge is always good to have. Cardio exercise is a great way to take off and/or maintain weight. I have an elliptical in one of the tv rooms, and I enjoy getting on it when there is something enjoyable to watch. Time flies on the elliptical if I can find something I enjoy watching. You can also walk with someone you like/love. It makes it enjoyable. People tend to “open” up when they walk.
              Focus on what is beautiful about you now, e.g., your skin color, your hair, your nails, your personality. We are Goddesses. We hold such beauty within and without. Set the intention that you are beautiful right now in this moment.


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                Enjoy some nature, it really helps me with shifting my attitude. Walking alone, with someone or with some calming music while you take in the scenery will really rejuvenate you. This is good for staying active and focusing that attention to your goals.

                Also keep in mind that if you switch to a cleaner diet and less processed foods you are detoxing your body and your mind. A lot of the foods available that are not organic or prepared at home have a lot of harmful chemicals and preservatives in them. These chemicals affect your moods, your energy and your bodies ability to process nutrients. So your body will notice the difference when you make the change.


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                  For me, portion control is number one. You may have distorted views on what is a normal portion size. Go back to basics and gain control of your portion sizes. Don’t load up your plate. Use smaller plates.


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                    I feel for you. I deal with that issue myself. I am not as motivated as I should be. I think that’s important. You have to be properly motivated or it will never come about.


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                      I am finally feeling like this is something I can & should do for myself as opposed to doing it only for someone else. That is important as well!


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                        kudos for wanting to do something about it!! I am on the same path! Determined!!!! GOOD LUCK!


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                          No rubbish in house. Eat when hungry, stop when full. Try not to think about it so much and eat sensibly, the more you think of it, the more of an issue it becomes and will encourage you to eat more.


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                            I lost 14 lbs from eating pickled beetroot. I would try eat it on an empty stomach. Do a little walking and build it up gradually.change around your eating times, don’t have it set. Visualize yourself the weight you would like to be. Steamed fish with boiled rice for dinner. Stair climbing is great. I still eat the foods i love, i don’t deprive myself. I stay away from meat. I do the housework for a few hours each morning on an empty stomach. All that’s what works for me. It’s not fast results but the weight keeps off. Lost 11lbs from stair climbing (running). Eat foods that burn fat and raise metabolism! Hope this helps, the beetroot defo work, best of luck 🙂

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