self love

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      I have been having a VERY hard time loving myself….my whole life….. I have always been surrounded by people who tear me down (family, friends, relationships). It has become a pretty serious problem lately. I can see it keeping me in some toxic relationships and situations. I would really appretiate some advice as to how I can start loving myself…..I know it is the key to fixing some bigger problems in my life, I just feel so stuck.


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        Hi Eternal Love, Your post touched me. Yes, it is very hard to love oneself if you don’t have examples from childhood as you tend to attract “what you know” and what you are used to and what’s worse is you have learned to feel “comfortable” around what you know. But I think the tide is set to change for you because now you are aware, very aware of what you are attracting and what needs to change. Since you are attempting a very big life change and you feel stuck, why not start with “small” changes? Look at your diet, can you start adding organic produce to your meals and upgrading your nutrition? Do you exercise regularly? Exercise does help with mood and general feeling levels. Is your home clean, uncluttered and organized? Is there beauty in your space? Start with self and what makes you “feel good”, feel integrated – a hobby for instance to entertain your mind in an interesting way. Start with being “gentle” and “respectful” with yourself. I believe others will pick up on this greater level of self-respect and respond accordingly. One other piece of advice, move slowly in your friendships…as slow as you need to…observe how this person treats you and others around them for awhile. If they treat people with kindness and respect – only then, begin to disclose and become closer….spend time…all the time you need to evaluate before letting someone into your life. Always guard your heart. You are worth it. Hope that this helps. Mindy


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          Good advice MindyG!


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            eternal Love, I believe many of us have this problem. But its already good that we know that this problem exists. Think that we all are tiny parts of the universe and we deserve love, happiness and all the good things!


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              Like I tell my niece. You are your biggest fan and hardest critic. If you want to love yourself its important to turn your hurts into lessons of growth and to be proud of all that you have been able to overcome. Treat yourself how you want others to treat you and show kindness when there is none. Display the type of energy you wish to receive in this life and remember that you were created with a unique blueprint and mission.


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                The key is, if you find that someone is toxic to the way you feel about yourself, minimize the time spent with that person. Realize why they are a toxic person. Remember misery loves company and they might just be making you feel that way because they feel that way about themselves. Keep your chin up and remember no one is perfect, all we can do is try our best.


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                    Mollykuehl – well said!

                    - Dale Sellers


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                      Very,i mean very , good advice for a beginning point to self love. Thank you for posting this MindyG. Enjoyed the reading.

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