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- January 23, 2010 at 11:56 pm #7130
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Credits: 228.01Hey Christopher,
In this busy day and age people seem to get caught up in the moment. There is so much on-line communication out there that someone is likely to read a post or comment and have something else on their mind. This results in totally forgetting to respond, or in some cases they might not think it is necessary. Because of your sensitive nature you would always respond to your friends. Sometimes it is hard to realize that others might not be so quick to do this.
You have a good sense for what makes proper communication. The lack of response has nothing to do with you, it is just a result of people being caught up in day to day activities. Like you said, your friends always talk to you when they see you at school. Please just don’t worry about this! If it is making you uncomfortable, you might want to limit your on-line communications with these friends who do not respond. Waiting for a response which is slow in being delivered can result in anxiety and frustration. You do not need or deserve this! Just go back to school and enjoy this second semester!
Take care!
🙂February 3, 2010 at 8:40 pm #7131Hi,
So school has been going well so far, busy but not bad. I’m doing my best to stay on track with classes and not be stressed or worried about things like I was last year. i was wondering though if you might have any insight into how this semester might progress for me, though like you have said and I know that futures are not set in stone, though of course I am trying my best to stay in that positive mindset, positive outlook when it comes to school and life. I have been finding myself thinking about things like valentine’s day and even the school’s homecoming game/dance that’s coming up and I was thinking that maybe this could be the changing year for me where I actually will be really celebrating valentine’s day with someone, which would be great!! One person that i have been thinking about is my friend Allie (9/11/89) and I know that i have been focused on different girls but i have been finding myself focusing on her as someone that I would love to get to know but I just wish i knew if she shared any feelings for me since in the past i never knew if any girls were actually interested in me and if there were, i’ve never known about it. Anyways, whatever help you would be able to provide would be very much appreciated, thank you.February 4, 2010 at 1:04 am #7132
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Credits: 228.01Christopher,
Your attitude towards this semester is awesome! You are focused, working hard, doing your very best, etc. School is going well for you because you are making it happen!Are you in a position where you might be able to talk to Allie privately? You might want to try to find out if she could be seeing someone right now. It seems that there is a strong male presence around her, this could possibly be a good friend or a relative. However I cannot be certain how this person figures into her life. So until you are certain, you might want to take this slow and take the time to get to know her a bit better. Your intuition will be your guide!
Take care!
🙂February 4, 2010 at 2:02 am #7133Thank you. I know that you had said before that person who might be interested in me would have dark hair, though of course could that be something that would change since the future is not something that is clear cut? I always just wonder if the people that i’m always attracted are the right people. I have yet to really talk to Allie privately, we never actually talk in person or I guess on the phone for that matter though I have been chatting with her a number of times online. I don’t know really know why she is more social with me online then in person, and it’s hasn’t been going for that long. I used to never be able to talk online for the longest time till last semester when she finally started chatting with me, I don’t know if that is a sign for anything. Anyways, I know that you had said that everything will work out and I will find that special person who is really interested in me and i will know it and there won’t be any confusion. I guess sometimes, i think about how long I’ve been waiting to really finally find and meet someone right for me when I run into people at school and hear stuff and I just wonder sometimes when my time will come. I know it will happen someday soon. I don’t mean to repeat myself, i’m sry. Thank you again for all your help, i really appreciate it.
February 4, 2010 at 7:31 pm #7134
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With Allie you might want to learn a little bit more about her before you make any decisions as to if you would want to ask her out. If you can establish that she is not otherwise involved then you might want to consider it. Often times people are shy and tend to be more open in written communication. She obviously enjoys communicating with you.
I still have a feeling that your special mystery woman will have dark hair, or that it will be her natural color! Women can change their hair color very easily and quickly!
Take care!
🙂February 7, 2010 at 4:26 am #7135Thanks for the insight. I do find it hard sometimes cause I’ve noticed how mind likes to do allot of wandering and I end up thinking allot about relationships, school and life in general, at times when I would rather not. I’m just trying my best to stay in that positive optomistic mindset and have faith that everything will work itself out and that i will meet my goals in life. I know that last year and years before, I’ve had big problems with stress and worry, that it would get to me allot but I’m really hoping this will be the year of change, for improvement in all aspects of my life, as well as for my family who I know has been looking and praying for improvement in my life, that i really become self-sufficient responsible adult, which of course I would love to be at that point. Thanks again for all your help.
February 7, 2010 at 9:05 pm #7136
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I sense that you have recognized within yourself that you have become more responsible and mature within the past year. You are focused on school and you are doing what it takes to do well and to graduate on schedule.Have you thought about the possibility of a summer job? Even with the tight economy this might be a possibility. This experience might really help you to feel more independent. It would also help you to get a bit of money saved. I sense that you would do well in a place where music is sold. A place where CD’s and perhaps vintage record collections are available. Your kind and patient nature would shine through in this area of customer service. Now might be a good time to start focusing on what you might be able to do at the end of this school year.
Best wishes!
🙂February 19, 2010 at 11:18 am #7137Hi,
So school has been going alright so far, though very busy as usual, I’m trying my best to stay focused and I just hope that this semester will go very smoothly. A part of me just can’t wait to graduate on time and really start my life and start my career. On different note, I’ve been getting the feeling that friend Allie really isn’t interested in me like I’ve been in her. She’s never talked to me at school before when she sees me around and doesn’t talked to me online or respond to any of my e-mails. I’ve been thinking that I will probably just let it go and do my best to try and stay focused with school and just let things work itself out. Of course, i always wish I could just walk up to one of my friends and ask them out and have it be okay, but I know that that would not be right. I do have allot of friends though with dark hair, some of which I am interested in, I just wish I knew who would be the one that could be interested in me. Anyways, thank you for all your continued help. I hope that each day will be a great day!!February 19, 2010 at 11:19 pm #7138
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You are working hard to finish with school. You have this goal and know what you need to do to graduate on schedule. As for Allie, I really did feel all along that she has someone who she is either interested in or involved with. I think you will be comfortable just keeping her as a friend.I still believe that when you meet that special someone, it will be obvious to you that she does like you. It might not be someone from school. There is a chance that it might be someone who you already know of, but do not know personally. I am thinking when you go home to your mother’s house, do you attend a church social group? I have a feeling that this coming summer will be especially good for you!
Take care!
🙂February 21, 2010 at 12:15 am #7139I just learned from my mom today that she was fired from her job yesterday and had her house robbed for the second time, last time she had gotten her laptop stolen, which was her first ever laptop that my sister bought for her. Then this time, she gotten another laptop and the thief took that along with all her jewelry, thousands of dollars worth, money she had saved up for a savings account, plus quarters that had just been sitting around that we usually use for laundry. I was so angry that I couldn’t do anything to help since I’m out in fullerton for school. I just can’t believe the nerve of some people, what would drive them to do something like to anyone, especially my mom. If i could, I would be done with school right now, grab my degree and just head back home to be with her since she’s all by herself with my sister in arizona working. Could you please tell me if things will be improving for my family, for my mom especially, (6/21/46)? I would really appreciate it. I know it’s normal for parents to tell their kids not to worry about them, but it’s hard though with my mom who has been so amazing with how hard she has had to work to support my sister and I and being by herself, she is like a superhero to me. I just feel helpless at times, not having a job, but I know what she really wants is for me to do well in school and be able to be truly independent and have a great career and a real responsible mature person, that would be the best thing in the world for her and I would never want to let her down when she’s done so much for me, above and beyond. I would appreciate any insight you might into this, thank you.
February 21, 2010 at 1:39 am #7140
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I am so truly sorry about what happened to your mom. She has experienced two traumatic events simultaneously. Hopefully she has homeowner’s/renter’s insurance? Sadly those who burglarize homes do not think about who they are hurting. Their only focus is getting what they can and not getting caught. Is there any type of neighborhood watch in place? Hopefully, the local police are working on this and profiling similar cases. It is unfortunate that many robbery cases remain unsolved.I sense that your mom’s house is in a fairly quiet middle-class neighborhood. Since her house was targeted twice, it could be someone from the neighborhood who knows her routine. Were any other homes in the neighborhood also burglarized? Although right now it would be difficult, but would she eventually be in a position to move to a safer neighborhood?
I sense that the loss of her job was due primarily to company cut-backs. Would there be an opportunity for rehire? I think she is very good with people. I feel that she will be working again very soon in an area where she will be helping people. She will need your support– is there a chance you could go home over some weekends?
If you could start planning ahead and possibly get a summer job you would be able to help your mom. She is very proud of you and I think it would please her to see you take this important step.
Please keep in touch and let us know how the both of you are doing–
March 15, 2010 at 8:16 pm #7141Hi,
My mom has been doing alright, just keeping busy with part-time jobs and stuff around the house. She also managed to get our old desktop computer fixed so that she could get work done and have internet and e-mail. Though on a different note, I was wondering if I might be able to receive your insight on something regarding my friend Allie (9/11/89). I had sent her an e-mail a while back because I was feeling that we never really friends and that there was this distance between us since she would hardly ever talk to me at school and I’d chat with her off and on online. So, after a while she replied saying that she never thought we had a problem because I get she never really considered us good friends, i guess more like acquaintances. So, after that it made me think that there would be no chance of her ever having an interest in me like I’ve had in her. Then, yesterday, i saw her on facebook and we had a nice little chat online and then i came across something in her status that I though was pretty serious that someone i said about her and I posted a comment saying how i thought it was wrong from someone to have said what they said and that I thought whoever it was should stop what he/she was doing. I thought I had done the right thing till some of my friends posted after me telling to cool down and not take it so seriously, some were joking around about it. I ended up sending her an e-mail telling her that i made to much of it and apologized for going off like i did. I just wonder after that, how allie will look at that, what she thinks of me, if there ever could be something between us? I remember talking with my room mate about my luck with trying to meet girls and finding those who might interested in me like I’m interested in them. I know you’ve said that I should be talking to people in person instead through e-mails or online chats, but a part of me is very apprehensive and scared because I don’t know who is interested in me and who isn’t and I’ve had allot of experiences already where i’ve tried that and it’s backfired every single time where it”s only been me showing that interest in someone. That’s why i’ve been playing it safe all this time and just tried to talk to people online but then it’s hasn’t been getting me anywhere. My room mate asking one day if i had any girls i was interested in and I said no because i thought with my luck they wouldn’t be interested in me or they would already be seeing someone, which has basically been that exact thing every time i’ve tried to ask a girl out. Idk, I’m really trying to focus on school, but of course at the same time, i can’t help but think about it and wonder when that person will show up or is really interested in me.March 16, 2010 at 4:28 am #7142
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The main problem with posts on a social networking site is that people’s comments are often misinterpreted. There is not a margin for privacy. It has become a hobby for many people. You have done everything that you can by sending Allie a private e-mail to let her know that you were being supportive of her.She obviously enjoys this interactive on-line communication with many friends. I am sorry, but as I have mentioned before I do think that Allie is involved with someone at this time. She doesn’t appear to be open to furthering new friendships right now.
I have a very good feeling that when you go home for the summer to your mother’s house, you might meet someone new or renew an old friendship. If you attend some church activites there might be a young lady who you either know of, or don’t know well at this point. It is definitely something to think about when you go home for Spring break–
Best wishes–
🙂March 28, 2010 at 11:14 pm #7143Hey,
So I can’t believe it’s getting so close towards my last year here at college, if I can just get through this spring semester then I will be on to my last year, I hope. I’ve just gotten through two of my three mid-terms this semester and I’m just praying that I passed them. I really really hope I can do well this semester and pass all my classes, it’s been quite a stressful semester with classes, rehearsals, performances, I’ve just been trying to keep myself focused and on track but of course it hasn’t been the easiest but I just hope that I am doing what needs to be done, doing the right things to make it through and succeed. Knowing that next year could very well be my last year, I can’t help but think what I will do as my career, how will I support myself, what does the future hold for me? I been praying that my future will be a very bright one, if I can succeed and make it through school like I said I would do and graduate this coming spring of 2011. If you might have any insight into this, I would very much appreciate it, thank you.March 29, 2010 at 2:05 am #7144
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Credits: 228.01Hey Christopher,
It is good to hear from you! You already know what you need to do to succeed and finish school and graduate on schedule. I have every confidence that you can make this happen. Just don’t allow yourself to become distracted.As for your career, what do you really want to do? You are obviously majoring in music. It would help to start developing your resume during summer break. Also, a summer work experience could be beneficial. It most likely wouldn’t be in your chosen profession, but could be an important step. You would do well working in a store where music is sold. I am thinking perhaps vintage records, CDs, tapes, etc. I think this is something that you would enjoy.
You will be thinking about your future alot during the next school year. If you know what you want to pursue in the way of a career, you can begin to research various possibilities.
This should be an exciting time for you! Please keep in touch and let us know how things are working out for you–
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