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- December 22, 2009 at 8:58 pm #7115
Thank you. With regards to Shannon, I would love to re-connect with her, send her a card, I just don’t have her address or her phone number anymore. I just wonder if she still thinks about me like I think about her and would like to be friends again. But, then I would go to her myspace and see that she’s still blocked me off her page so then it makes me wonder if she’s ever put all that happen between us behind and either wants to start over or has just chosen to forget about me and move on. I just wonder if were to ever re-connect, it would have to be her to make the first move since I have no where of communication with her. I’ve just always wonder with the sort of ‘roller coaster” both of us went through of re-connecting and not talking and then re-connecting again, I mean, I really did like her allot and at the time I thought she might have too but then, with stuff concerning her ex-boyfriend and all this crazy stuff, it just seemed to push us both away from each other and somehow ended up putting me in a spot which made me feel like the bad guy and I was never able to talk to her and understand what happened and why things suddenly got so bad. I just wonder though if she really does want to talk to me or see me again after so long cause I sure would like to see and talk to her.
December 22, 2009 at 10:55 pm #7116
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Unless you know someone who you might be able to send Shannon a card in care of (like are her parents still in the area?), you most likely will need to wait for her to make the first move. It would not be a good idea to ask anyone for her address or phone number. You would just need to send the card and hope that it would be forwarded on to her. I sense that she is otherwise occupied right now and most likely is not giving much thought to past friendships. I know you would like to reconnect and make everything good again, but you can’t let this cloud your thinking during the holiday season.I encourge you to look to the future and pursue new friendships. If you should reconnect with Shannon it might be only for a brief time, but would give you closure to a friendship that ended abruptly. For now, just enjoy the holidays and focus on the new year and what you need to accomplish next year!
Take care!
🙂December 29, 2009 at 7:36 am #7117Hi,
So, I’ve been noticing lately that my friend La’ryn and I have been hanging out pretty consistently during this winter break, more so these past few days and today she invited me over to her house and cooked me dinner and we sat and watched a movie. Then we are planning on hanging out tomorrow to study for a while and grab starbucks. I was just wondering with what’s been going on lately if she might really have feelings for me and if so, should go ahead and try and ask her out to dinner or is she not interested in me. I have been starting to develop feelings for her and with how frequently we’ve been hanging out, which most of the time has been her asking to hang out, I’ve just been wondering what she might be thinking and if this could really be it, if she might be really interested in me. I know she’s mentioned another guy who might be interested in her but she isn’t really that into him, but she’s never mentioned having feelings for me either cause she’s shy or not sure how I feel about her. Maybe the dinner was her way of saying that she is interested in me and is waiting for me to make the next move. I am hoping that she might have strong feelings for me like I have for her and would like to really start going out. Anyways, I would very much appreciate your advice and insight into this. Thank you.
-ChristopherDecember 29, 2009 at 10:48 pm #7118
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I am really excited for you! I have a very good feeling about this! I know you had an interest in La’Ryn in the past, but perhaps the timing wasn’t just right then. I sense that it is now. When a lady cooks dinner for a man this is her way of asking him for a date. Perhaps when she mentioned that someone is interested in her and that she really doesn’t feel the same, she was hoping that you would open up as to if you were seeing someone.You have come to know one another as friends and obviously enjoy each other’s company. So now is the time to ask her to dinner. It might not be too late for New Year’s, but some people make plans for this holiday a long time in advance. It is worth a try anyway! If she can’t make it for New Year’s, then very soon after would be a good plan.
It might not be a good idea to discuss any strong feeling for one another at this point in time. It is important to let the relationship develop before this type of discussion should take place. In any event, I do have a stong sense that things will go well if you act now and make this date!
Please keep in touch and I hope this will be a very Happy New Year!
😀December 31, 2009 at 12:32 am #7119So, I’ve never been in this spot before. I like La’ryn allot, the more we hang out, the more i like her. We went out for thai food and we talked and she asked me what type of girl i was interested in and I’m guessing that was a loaded question and that she was seeking a specific answer but i don’t know if answered it right, just saying that I like someone outgoing, funny, the basic things a guy looks for. I’ve just been in the position where i’ve had things blow up in my face because i’ve been too forward with girls that I’m not sure what to do now since I’ve been in this position before where someone has been attracted to me. I’ve always been the one showing the attraction without knowing how the other person would be feeling, if she was interested in me or not. But, now there seems to be all these signals going off with her fixing me food, asking me questions and talking about relationships, calling me to hang out on multiple occasions on back to back days, asking if I wanted to stay over while we are watching movies at her dad’s place cause she’s tired. But then, at the same time, if she is waiting for me to do something, make that first move, i don’t know what that first move should be. I was going to talk to her on new year’s day to see if she wanted to hang out. I just get the feeling that she wants me to come right out and say that i like her. I would very much appreciate your input.
December 31, 2009 at 2:58 am #7120
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It seems like this opportunity is right under your nose. She obviously likes you and enjoys spending time with you. Some girls are old fashioned enough to believe that the guy should be the one who makes the first move. I have a feeling that she would be very pleased if you would invite her to have dinner with you at a nice restaurant. If that goes well, and I have every reason to believe that it will, then make another date before the evening is over. Just relax and enjoy spending time together. By letting her know that you enjoy spending time with her, this is the beginning.Now is the time to call her and make that dinner date!
I hope this will be a wonderfully Happy New Year for you!
😀January 2, 2010 at 5:52 am #7121So,apparently I’m not that great at reading signals because I thought she was sending me all the right signals that she was interested in going out with me so after we hung out again today, I asked her out on a date, a real date and she said that we were just friends and then came the whole awkward moment of not knowing what to say after that so I just said bye and that I would talk to her later. I guess i thought with whole leading up to the new year and just with this winter break alone I was really thinking that things were going really well and I thought this could be the start of something great, what I”ve been waiting for for such a long time, to finally find someone who was interested in me like i was in her, but I guess it was still only me that was attracted to her. I did feel very unsure if i should have gone for it or not, though if i hadn’t i think i would’ve been stuck in the whole “what if” moment and wondered if she really liked me or in someway stringing me along when i was getting clear signals that she liked me and she was still just thinking of me as a friend. It makes me wonder though if this is how she treats all of her friends and it wasn’t that she was just doing anything special because it was me though i guess i did feel that way. I just hope though that i will still be able to have her as a friend and not end up losing her like i have with other girls i’ve liked. I sort of feel now that I’m still at square one in terms of meeting someone and starting a relationship, how will i know when i’ve met that person who will be truly interested in me? I remember you saying that it will be obvious and that i won’t have to question whether she likes me or not and she will have dark hair, i guess i still don’t understand how to read signals when someone likes me then. Anyways, i’m glad it is the new year and I really hope that this will be one of the best years i’ve ever had!!
January 2, 2010 at 10:41 pm #7122
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I am truly sorry that things did not work out with La’Ryn. From what you described, she really enjoyed your company. I sense that she may developed a case of cold feet when you asked her for a real date. She had been the one initiating the get togethers that you shared. I think you can still be friends. You will see her at school and will interface with her. If the opportunity presents itself you can tell her that you still want to be friends. You were wise to realize that you needed to ask her for a date and not let this opportunity pass you by.I would suggest letting her make the next move if she wants to hang out or study together. I truly do believe that she is interested in you, but may have reservations about getting into a relationship with anyone right now. There are some women who will string a guy along in a flirtatious manner, acting like they are interested and when he starts to respond and develop an interest, the game is over. For the record, men do this to women too!
Your real relationship may be with someone who you may know of, but not know well. It might be someone that you have not been hanging out with as a friend. When you recognize the obvious attraction, then might be the time to ask her for a date. You will be back at school next week and catching up with your friends. You might want to focus on someone new, rather than anyone you had hoped to get to know in the past.
You have a very good outlook for the new year! It will be a good year and you will be successful because you are determined to make it happen! Please don’t let anything that happened over winter break discourage you. The best is yet to come!
Take Care!
🙂January 6, 2010 at 8:06 pm #7123Thank you so much Kathy for all your help. I’ve been feeling that this new year could be one of the best ever, at least have high hopes for this year, with how up and down last year was. I was just wondering if you might have any insight into this new year for me. I’d really appreciate it. Thank you.
January 7, 2010 at 7:10 pm #7124
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Because the future is not set in stone, it really isn’t possible to know what might happen during this calendar year. In your future I do see you graduating, although I am not certain when this is supposed to take place. I also see you working, perhaps as early as this coming summer.
For this semester you would do well to focus on your school work, performances, etc. By giving this your full attention you will feel confident in your accomplishments. In the area of romance, because there have been so many different women that you have been interested in, I really can’t see when you will meet this special someone (or perhaps you already know of her and just do not recognize it). It will happen, and if you are confortable with your school work and your career building this will give you the self-confidence that you need and deserve.
Please let us know how things are going and if you have any specific questions–
🙂January 12, 2010 at 6:16 am #7125I was wondering if you might know anything with regards to dreams because I had a dream last night with a girl that I barely know from school but i’ve never really thought about her before, her name is Cayce. I don’t know if this could be a sign for something or just a random dream. I know I’ve had moments where I’ve had other people like a girl Allie that I know also just out of the blue show up in one of my dreams. Also, both Allie and Cayce seemed to be close to being my girlfriend in my dream. Anyways, I would appreciate any input you might have into this. thank you.
January 13, 2010 at 3:07 am #7126
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I found the studying of dreams to be one of the most fascinating areas of the Life Mastery Program. There are different types of dreams. Some can represent something that is unfinished in our lives. Other dreams can be symbolic. If you feel that a dream is sending you a message, you might want to start a journal. Just a few words or notes will help. There are times when I have had a dream about someone who I have not seen in years, but it is not always apparent why I am having the dream. Sometimes months later something might happen that reminds me of the dream.These ladies who are appearing in your dreams might be having more of an impact on your daily life than you realize, though you do not know either of them very well. You might want to just think about this for awhile, keep smiling and have a conversation with them when the opportunity presents itself. It would not be a good idea to tell someone that you had a dream about them if you do not know that person well.
Take care!
🙂January 19, 2010 at 7:14 am #7127Hi,
So i am looking forward to starting school next week on monday, I’ve been telling myself, hoping and praying this semester will be one of the best ever along with this year, hoping this year will be bring great changes and improvements. I’ve also been wondering, with this free time I’ve had during the break, why i always find myself being interested in so many different people, like my friend Allie, Krista, Cayce, then i just started chatting with a girl I know at school named Rebecca though I barely know her. Of course, in my mind I always wonder if anyone is really attracted to me like I am to them. If the situation with Lauren had taught me anything, it’s that I still don’t know what it means or what it feels like when a girl is attracted or interested in me like I am to them. That is why whenever I’m talking to people, chatting with them online, I’m always very apprehensive when it comes to talking to them and not really trying to say anything that might be taken the wrong way or taken as being too forward or that might show that i have feelings for that person because I wouldn’t want to weird the person out or push them away. But, then at the same time, playing it safe and not doing anything hasn’t really worked out at all since I’ve never been able to find that person who feels the same way i do about them. Anyways, I have high hopes for this semester and this year for myself, my family and my friends, though the futures are not set in stone but I still hope and pray that everything will work out for the best.January 19, 2010 at 11:15 pm #7128
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You really do have the right idea about communicating with girls who you do not know well. You also have a very good intuition. I think you will sense when it is the right time to ask a special lady for a date. At this point there is no need to rush into anything, although you are emotionally ready for a relationship.If you focus on your school work and graduation, start thinking about the job market, etc. This is a very important time in your life. You are starting the new year out with a super attitude! It will all come together in time!
Take care!
🙂January 23, 2010 at 6:56 pm #7129Thank you. One thing though that I wonder sometimes is if I’m ever saying or doing the wrong things towards my friends, like my friend Allie (9/11/89) who starting last semester I had finally started talking to online but lately hasn’t been talking to me at all and I start to wonder if maybe I had said some wrong things, maybe sent her the wrong e-mail or posted something on her facebook page that I shouldn’t have. Then there are other people who I’ve tried to talk to on facebook for the longest time like my friend Kristen (4/11/89) but I’ve never been able to talk to them but when I see them at school they will say hi to me, but whenever i leave a comment on there page they will never respond. The thing is, I really want to be the best person I can be towards and especially my friends and my family since they are the most important people in my life and I just wonder sometimes what my friends really think of me if I’m always putting out the right kind of message towards them or is it by them not responding to anything i post online some sort of sign. Whatever insight you might have into this would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
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