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- September 14, 2009 at 10:41 pm #7072
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Credits: 228.01Hey Christopher,
Please don’t worry–you said that school is going all right. You are studying in an area in which you have an interest. When I focus on you, I sense the rewards of your hard work will shine through. You might not experience this totally for a couple of years, possibly after you graduate. In the meantime, there is no reason why you shouldn’t just enjoy being a student and learning more about your chosen profession.
I also feel that your mother would not want you to feel guilty for making a small purchase such as a card game. You are in need of some recreation. I sense your desire to become more independent. Sometimes it is difficult to handle a part-time job along with school, but if you feel that you could you might want to look into that. Also if summer jobs are available you could think about that for next summer. It would give you an opportunity to get a little bit of money saved.
You are a sincere, kind-hearted person who cares about his family. They can’t help but be proud of you for who you are!
Take care and keep in touch!
🙂September 15, 2009 at 5:25 am #7086Thank you so much for your continued insight. I wanted to ask you though about my friend Connor (5/1/1989). I’ve been noticing that we always seem to be budding heads about many different things that sometimes I get really frustrated with him and I wonder if we are really meant to be longtime friends. There are times when we get along, joke and just hang out and have fun but other times we will get into huge arguments about big stuff, small stuff to the point where I just would not want to talk to him or be around him at all. He is someone that out of all my other friends I have the most trouble and frustration with. I would appreciate your insight into because I would love for us to get along more and just become even better friends cause I just don’t know if I could keep going through this type of rough friendship.
September 16, 2009 at 2:52 am #7087
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Credits: 228.01Hey Christopher,
When I focus on you with Connor, I see you as the “big brother” in this friendship. You are focusing on the future and want to make wise decisions. Connor might be going thru a phase that even he does not understand. It is only natural that you want to help your friend. I feel that you will continue to be friends, but you might not be spending quite as much time together as you have in the past. Friends sometimes drift apart when the things that once drew them together change, like jobs, school, social organizations, etc.
When Connor gets into one of his moods, you might try asking him if everything is ok–does he want to talk, is there anything you can to to help him– If this doesn’t help, you might just want to put some distance between the two of you. There might not be a whole lot that you can do, this is just his issue and he needs to take responsibility for his life and his actions.
You care very much about all of your friends–they are very fortunate to have you for a friend!
Take care–
🙂September 26, 2009 at 10:53 pm #7088Hi Kathy,
Thank you again for all your help. One new thing though that has come up is that there is this girl named Kat and she works at office depot near my apartment. I’ve been going there quite a few times now and have had a little time to talk to her but not much. I just wonder though if there could be something in terms of starting a relationship with her, maybe ask her to hang out sometime, grab coffee or lunch sometime, get to know her. I think she could be interested and I get a feeling that she might like me I’m just not sure. Any insight you might have into would be appreciated, thanks allot.
-ChrisSeptember 27, 2009 at 12:12 am #7089
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Credits: 228.01Hey Christopher,
Go for it! Invite Kat to coffee. When I focus on you I feel that something good for you is going to begin when you are sitting and talking with a young lady in a coffee hangout. Is there such a place close to where Kat works? The next time you are in the store and get a chance to speak with Kat, if she acts as if she would like to continue a conversation, you could ask if she would like to go for coffee during her break–
I do believe that your intuitions are correct–we can generally tell if others do like us! You are surrounded by a lot of nice young ladies. Since the future is not set in stone, I really don’t know who it will be–but I do feel that you will be entering into a relationship sometime during this school year. I really sense that this will be underway during the holiday season.
Please take care and let us know how you are doing–
🙂November 1, 2009 at 8:27 am #7090Hi Kathy,
So, things never did work out with Kat, but like you have said I’m looking forward to the holiday season and hoping that something might finally happen during this school year and i will find someone. Besides that, I’ve been kind of stressed this semester but have been working to keep the faith and stay positive that everything will work out. I am really looking forward to next semester though in terms of my schedule being on of the best looking ones i’ve had in terms of free time and types of classes, so I can’t wait. Overall, I’m just looking for things to really take off and really improve in all aspects of my life and I’ve been looking towards my birthday which will be up on November 18th and I will be 24, it’s made me think about what i’ve really accomplished and how much I’ve grown as a person and it’s made me wonder at times when i officially turn 24, will be able to look back and say that i’ve grown as a person and have accomplished some goals that i set for myself. I also keep wondering if things will work out for this school year, if i will graduate on time and really make it, I’m trying to just stay positive and have faith that it will, though it can honestly be really hard to stay in that mode. I want to thank you for your help and support.
-ChristopherNovember 1, 2009 at 10:53 pm #7091
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Credits: 228.01Hey Christopher,
It is really good to hear from you again! First of all–I want to wish you an early very “Happy Birthday” — it really shows that you are aware within yourself of how much you have grown with your studies and your plans for the future. As far as the future relationship, if you just take it one day at a time and slowly let a friendship develop. You will be able to decide later if you want it to be more than a friendship.As far as your schooling, it seems that you will be much more relaxed in the second semester. This will give you time to start planning for your future after graduation. I do believe that you will graduate “on time”. You are aware of this deadline and you know what you need to do to make this happen.
I do sense a change in residence in your future following graduation. Not really far from where you are now, but it appears that you will be in a different environment. Perhaps also during the holidays. I see the possibility of a temporary or part-time job during the holidays or school breaks. This won’t be your life-long career choice, but might be a connection to your chosen profession. The name “Canterbury” comes to mind.
You appear to be handling your challenges well–you will continue to grow and when you are nearing 30 you will be looking back and realizing that all of your diligence and hard work was well worth the effort.
Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing–
Take Care!
🙂November 13, 2009 at 2:32 am #7092Hi Kathy,
I wanted to let you that I sent Krista another e-mail a few days ago which i guess indirectly said that I liked her, saying that she was such a great person and that there were plenty of great guys out there who liked her, that she deserved to be with someone who would respect her and treat her the way she deserved to be treated. Anyways, I just wonder if it was really right for me to send that e-mail, if it was worded in the right way. I’ve yet to hear from her and I don’t know if she has even read it yet, I just hope that this would not be something that would end up messing up our friendship if she thinks I’m being very forward and decide to turn it down. I know a part of me wanted to tell her how I really feel but then I would not want to weird her out and be too forward and end up pushing her away like I’ve done with people I used to be friends with and I wonder if that is because I’ve been single for so long. Well, I would appreciate your insight into this, thank you for taking the time to read this.November 14, 2009 at 5:06 am #7093
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Credits: 228.01Christopher,
I know you have sent Krista e-mails before and she did not respond. This might not be the best way to communicate with her. Because you are sensitive and shy, you feel more comfortable doing this. I am not sure that Krista is really understanding this message. You said that you “indirectly” told her how you feel. When I focus in on Krista I see her being in a hurry, multi-tasking, etc. She is not taking the time to thoroughly read and understand this message.
The direct approach might be best. Can you possibly arrange to meet with her and talk with her alone? I sense that she has a lot going on right now. I know you have been attracted to her for some time, but in the long term right now I can only see about a 40% chance of this working out.
I feel that there is another possibility of someone who you might have not met yet, or someone that you do not know well who will come into your life in the very near future. You won’t have to guess if she likes you, because you will know that she does. You won’t have to work so hard to win her over!
Anyway your birthday is coming up next week–Happy Birthday!
Take care!
🙂November 21, 2009 at 11:33 am #7094So i had my birthday which I guess didn’t really go how I had expected it would, but it was still good. What was surprising also was the day before my birthday, which had to have been an amazing day, a day I felt I hadn’t had in a long time. I aced a quiz in one of my classes, got a good grade on a huge assignment in another one of my classes, and did well in my choir concert later that night. Overall, after my birthday, even though I know I’ve gotten older, life still feels the same. I guess I was expecting some sort of change in myself where maybe I might feel older or feel like I’ve grown, got more mature, learned something new but I guess I still feel the same like I was before my birthday. I just hope that with me having had my birthday and become older, that this will be the start great changes and improvements ahead. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
-ChristopherNovember 21, 2009 at 7:17 pm #7095
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Credits: 228.01Christopher,
Major changes don’t necessarily have to happen on the exact date of your birthday–You might not feel any different but you are older, you have grown, you are more mature. You are learning something new every day! You are doing well in school, this is a very important goal for you.
If you continue to relax and take things in stride there will be many new adventures and opportunities for you just around the corner. This may be from an unexpected source.
Take care and let us know how you are doing! Happy Thanksgiving!
🙂November 23, 2009 at 1:02 am #7096Thank you, Happy Thanksgiving to you to. One thing though that I just thought of, I wanted to know if I might get to a point in my life where I won’t be so prone to losing or misplacing my things. Lately, I haven’t been able to find my watch, sunglasses, my ipod, sandals my mom had bought me. Over the years I know that I’ve lost many things and i have always asked myself why I am always forgetting to pick up things before i leave a room when it will be right in front of my face and I will just fail to notice it and leave it behind. I know that maybe if I hadn’t forgotten to pick up my backpack then I would have been able to study for my music history final and could have passed it and gone on to the next class instead of re-taking it this semester. I just hope that I will get to a point where I will be that true responsible person who can always know where everything is and not worry about losing or misplacing things all the time.
November 23, 2009 at 2:18 am #7097
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Credits: 228.01Christopher,
You can do this! By telling yourself that it is important that you know where your significant belongings are and arranging them so everything has a place to be stored. It might be difficult when you are traveling from home to your apartment where you stay at school. Perhaps a packing list might be helpful when you plan to travel. Even a list for daily items that you will need for school, etc.
Your most recently misplaced items are likely to surface. They are most likely at your mother’s house or somewhere in your apartment. I really do think that this has concerned you enough that you will develop a plan!
Try not to worry and take care!
🙂November 25, 2009 at 7:41 pm #7098Happy Thanksgiving to you to! I just wanted to mention to you that I’ve been talking to my friend Allie (9/11/89) who I had always been interested in but for some reason all the times when I had wanted to talk to her, it would never work out but for some reason this semester things have changed and she’s been more responsive so, I don’t know if that is a sign but I will take it. It makes me wonder if maybe you were talking about her when you said there would be someone that I would meet towards the holidays who I don’t really know. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know. Thanks.
November 26, 2009 at 12:41 am #7099
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Credits: 228.01Hey Christopher,
I honestly don’t know for certain if Allie is your mystery girl, but I sense that things will start to materialize with someone who you may know, but not necessarily know well. If Allie is being responsive to talking with you, then a good start might be to invite her to coffee in a place where you can talk quietly.
Please don’t ask her out via e-mail! I have bad vibes about that approach. The best approach is the direct approach! People are busy this time of year. Perhaps a conversation will come up that will give you insight as to something that the two of you can do together. Perhaps going to a place where you both share a common interest.
Anyway Happy Thanksgiving! Please keep us posted as to future developments!
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