
  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated by Karma41.
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    Lesson 7
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      Hey! So has anyone ever had an epiphany and realized that they knew something all along. Like they ran from it and ignored their intuition. That when you focus your energy into finding out the truth and turning to your intuition/psychic abilities you realize you knew all along what you discovered as you worked on getting closer with your psychic ability.
      I know I just had an epiphany. I have been in this difficult relationship and I once believed with all my heart that in the end it would work out. Then I lost my faith and belief in it. And I turned away from what my intuition was telling me.
      But today I was focusing on it, and I have been doing meditations and I felt this warmth inside me that made me think of pure white light and I suddenly knew that I was running away from my intuition the entire time and that I always knew my relationship would work out.
      So I guess my question is can you block your intuitive side because of fear or being hurt once? Please someone reply quickly!


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            Hi everybody! I am new to the group. I would like to emphasize the fact that having some psychic abilities is not always safe and easy to share outside an environment such as where we are in here with likeminded people. People can be cruel and call you psychizophrenic! We are so lucky to be able to be free here to share experiences and be ourselves.
            I wish you all good luck with improving your lives.

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