Read Before Posting Here!

Main LifeLeap Café Free Psychic Questions Read Before Posting Here!

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    Lesson 20
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        Before Asking Any Psychic Questions In A New Topic

        Free Psychic Readings – Please read this entire post before creating or replying to any topics in this section. Any inappropriate post will be deleted immediately by one of our forum moderators and you could risk a permanent ban from our site.

        • This part of the forums is a safe place to ask psychic based questions about your life – relationships, career, health, finances, etc. Hopefully, you will get a response from one of our other forum participants that gives you some insight into what you are facing.
        • Don’t be a parasite – participate in our community – make sure to browse the rest of the forums and create new topics in sections you can relate to and post replies to other participants Do this even if it’s just and acknowledgment to someone, an encouragement to someone, or you introduce yourself. By being more of a participant (even making a couple post/replies), you are likely to get a faster and better response from other forums members (such as the members that answer free psychic questions). If you come in to the forums, ask a free psychic question, and then you don’t see a response from anyone in a few days, we encourage you to participate elsewhere in the forums (this may be why you did not get a response). This is a community – it’s not just for taking but for giving/contributing too. We’re sure you have something to share in the forums, regardless of who you are.
        • And when someone offers you support or advice, have the decency to respond back, even if you don’t agree with what was shared. Great communities are created by everyone giving, not just taking.

        • Take advantage of our easy-to-use buttons at top of community to share this website with others. You can share this community with your Facebook friends, Twitter followers, email link of community to your friends, along with options for many other social networking sites. Just explore the buttons to see the options.
        • Don’t Hijack Someone Else’s Topic – you are welcome to ask psychic-based questions, but create a new topic when doing so. Please don’t ask your question in a topic already created by someone else. This will result in an immediate deletion of your question.
        • This is not a place to ask psychic questions for Dale Sellers, the founder of LifeLeap Institute. While Dale may occasionally visit this community, he is very busy with clients, teaching, and other projects. Any questions in this section directed at Dale will likely be deleted (because others wanting to help will feel excluded about participating). If you have an issue, and you want to speak with Dale, please see his Professional Psychic service.
        • This forum was created more as a place for participants to help each other. We have many legitimate psychics frequently visiting our site. You may often receive psychic insights for graduates and students of our Psychic Development Training Course, the Life Mastery program. This course has produced many powerful psychics and healers for years, and many of its participants frequent our site.
        • Don’t Litter – If you post a question and don’t get a reply, don’t keep posting your question in other places. Duplicate posts will be deleted by our moderators. You are more likely to get a response if you participate in the community (welcome new members, show support to others, etc). Also, you are encouraged to participate in discussions created by others, but don’t hijack other member’s topics by asking unrelated questions in their topics. Instead, create your own topic in the appropriate place.
        • It’s A Privileged, Not A Right – There is no place for demanding behavior in this community. For example, if someone has shared a psychic insight, this doesn’t give you the right to pester for more information. Be kind! If you need your serious questions answered, rather than pressuring other community members, book an Intuitive Counseling Session
        • Please be respectful – this is not a place for pranks, religious pontifications, aggressive romantic pursuits, dogmatic philosophies, dramatic attempts for attention, and pushiness. These types of post may be deleted immediately by one of our forum moderators and you could risk a permanent ban from our site.
        • Try to keep your post practical and intelligent. Stay away from vague question such as “Will I be happy” because you will only get vague responses, if any responses at all. Be as specific as possible in your questions. You can ask future based questions, but try to ask questions that reflect your own personal responsibility. Instead of “will my ex husband come back” consider something like “What can I do to increase the chances of my ex-husband back and why did this happen in the first place?” Remember, you are a participant in your life, not just a victim watching on the sidelines.
        • Please take any responses you receive from others with a light heart. This forum is visited by students and graduates or our Life Mastery Program and other people with legitimate metaphysical training. But this forum is open to anyone, so you may receive a response from someone that has no training and is just using this as an opportunity to practice (which we encourage).
        • Remember, just because someone is psychically accurate on details (even if they can pick up your name, what you do professionally etc), does not mean they will be accurate about everything (you will get a divorce soon, etc).
        • Be careful about making any major life changes from any psychic insights that you receive in this forum – again, this forum is open to the public and we do not monitor the psychic accuracy of any of our participants. If you need help with a serious issue, please see Dale’s Intuitive Counseling Service

        Important: Please don’t ask questions as a reply to this topic. Ask all questions as a new topic here: Ask Psychic Questions

        When Sharing Your Psychic-Based Insights With Others

        If you want to use your abilities to share psychic insights with others in this forum, please read the following information carefully. Any inappropriate post will be deleted immediately by one of our forum moderators and you could risk a permanent ban from our site.

        It’s written in an outline form and some of it may be a bit confusing. You are welcome to ask any questions you have about this info here in the forum. Here you go:


        If you are professional psychic, please do not promote yourself in this section of our forums (links, business name, etc). This is not why our visitors are here and we want all of our participants to feel comfortable.


        People post in this section of our community who want psychic-based help from other community members. When replying to a question, please don’t simply give an opinion or just ask someone to reflect on the issue themselves. Although this approach can sometimes be helpful, please try to remember that this section of community area is for asking and sharing psychic based insights.

        If you want to help, but don’t feel you have developed your intuition to the point where you can comfortably see and share insights on a psychic level, please don’t stop the compassion. In fact, we have created a special section of the community area dedicated to discussions relating to personal growth. You can find it here: Personal Growth Community


        • Honesty – offer the information you receive honestly, without editing or judging
        • Confidentiality – respecting the client’s right to privacy with any information given or received
        • Non-judgmental – not judging your client or their situation or choices, but offering unconditional love, guidance and assistance
        • Empathy – Put yourself in the client’s shoes – try to understand their situation and how it might feel to be in their circumstances
        • Never give a definite prediction on disasters, health, legal issues, death, divorce, or any forms of witchcraft
        • Explain that nothing is written in stone
        • Always give a positive reading
        • Stay away from get rich issues although it is appropriate to consult on finances
        • Don’t bring up anything that person absolutely wouldn’t want to hear, couldn’t handle


        • Always present insights in a positive light, life-affirming
        • Turn every negative into a positive
        • Suggest resources for self-empowerment or ways for them to gain their own power and life back
        • Clients should focus on themselves and learn, or re-learn, to take an active role in improving their own lives.
        • See yourself as a psychic Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Norman Vincent Peale or Dear Abby
        • Let out your sense of humor (you have one, right)


        • Role as a helper, not a fatalist who tells the client that nothing can be done to change their life
        • Encourage client to take responsibility for own life (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual,) – usually do so indirectly and very carefully (ask a lot of questions)

        PAST LIVES

        • Unless a person asks about past lives or reincarnation, do not go into it
        • Perhaps, you can, in some situations, refer to the fact that maybe there was a past life connection
        • See what they say and then proceed with your insights in reference to this life
        • Try to keep the focus on the present and what needs to be done


        • Never say a relationship won’t work out – you don’t know this to be so
        • Use words like “possibly” and “probably” and tell them to give the person space and time
        • Suggest that they work on themselves and get her own power back


        • Emphasize that everyone has free will and therefore nothing is definite
        • There is always hope and we can change our own destiny
        • Stress that the insights provided can change through prayer, positive thinking, meditation, creative visualization and divine intervention
        • Never minimize their pain or grief, but encourage them to take positive steps
        • Regardless of what you suggest, make them understand that the final responsibility is theirs
        • If you feel the client is suicidal or may pose a danger to someone else, use your psychic judgment to gently direct him or her to the appropriate agency for help
        • Never say never, but guide them into seeing the situation more clearly for themselves
        • Emphasize the importance of relying on the guidance and the love of God, universe, etc, and that everything is really divinely designed for their highest good if they look for it


        • If someone insists on knowing whether their mate is cheating on them, handle this issue very cautiously
        • This can be a dangerous area, especially if your client seeks revenge through violence
        Stay away from answering these types of questions in these forums – recommend a professional


        • Walk lightly with serious diagnosis
        • Qualify your statements – leave the medical diagnosis to medical professionals
        • Morally and legally, you can only recommend the person consult their physician if you sense a health problem
        • Suggest they see a medical doctor and a preventive holistic medical doctor as well for better nutrition, herbs, acupuncture, chiropractor, massage, etc.”


        • We all want to do all we can to help a client who wants to end their suffering
        • Death is a very delicate area that needs to be handled carefully and cautiously
        • Never say that you see a definite death at a specific time
        • We all die and you can psychically sense if there is illness or health warnings
        • Always suggest medical attention or check-ups on whatever you psychically see
        • For those who have lost a loved one, remind them that they are always with us but are in another dimension and can communicate in a variety of forms such as dreams

        strong>Important: Don’t let you ego get in the way. If you feel that you are getting over your head, or that a participant really needs professional help, consider referring this person to our Professional Intuitive service or another appropriate professional (doctor, attorney, suicide hotline, private investigator, etc).


        Basic Member
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          Credits: 15.00

          Still developing and training, but am human and can show support in the way of compassion as needed.


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            Credits: 14.00

            Thankyou im new and althoigh the rukes all fall.uoon good morals of support its etill good to freshen why were all here.
            Yeeeewwwwwww still a newby and lovin it…


            Basic Member
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              Credits: 3.00

              Read and understood


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                Credits: 3.00

                Read and understand


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                  Read and excited to start


                  Basic Member
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                    Credits: 2.00

                    Thanks for giving us this wonderful website!


                    Basic Member
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                      Ok understand


                      Basic Member
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                        Credits: -1.00

                        Read 🙂


                        Basic Member
                          • United States
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                          Read and understood


                          Basic Member
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                            Credits: 3.00



                            Basic Member
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                              Credits: 2.00

                              Thank you!


                              Basic Member
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                                Credits: 1.00

                                Read and understood.


                                Basic Member
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                                  Credits: 3.00

                                  Read and understood 🙂


                                  Basic Member
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                                    Credits: 4.00

                                    Got it, thanks! Great resource!

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