Psychic seer and precognition.

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      I am able to see future events with almost spot on accuracy. Who where what and when. I’ve predicted several important events in my life.

      If anyone can help me I’d be most appreative. My problem is this. After an event in my life I predicted when I was 9 I’m unable to see anything past it. It’s the same reoccurring precognition. The event has long passed. (In case you’re wondering it was a miscarriage and separation of me and the child’s father) normally I can predict with scary accuracy. but my abilities are limited to only myself and those closest too me. I’m able to close myself off but not open myself back up. I can’t control the ability. It has a will of its own and comes and goes when it chooses. If anyone is able to help me learn to use my abilities I’d be forever grateful.

      I’m going through alot of stress and I’ve always relied on my precognition to survive. But without it I’m lost and afraid… Some many scary things have happened to me since I’ve been unable to see. I honestly don’t know how much more I can take.

      As for being a seer I’m able on occasion with the words “show me” to see through people’s eyes. See what they’re seeing. I’ve done it a few times but what I see is distorted and looks like a negative photograph. I’m unsure who’s eyes I’m seeing through as well. I feel it’s a man but I’m unsure. I can’t tell if they’re alive or not as well. It starts when I close my eyes I see a swirling energy that shifts and entwines with the objects around me. I take a deep breath and whisper “show me” it doesn’t always work but when it does I see what another is seeing. When I close my eyes I ALWAYS see this swirling energy. It’s usually green in color and usually it is spiraling endlessly like a vortex. But I’ve seen it red and blue as well. It’s shown me faces and locations. Some times it’s from many years ago other times it’s fairly recent. But when I see I can tell for sure it’s not my own eyes I’m looking through. The clearest image I’ve seen was when I was 9. I did my ritual and said show me. I was looking at the face of my now husband. I felt immense love and longing. When I was 14 I met him for real. It added believability to my ability. At first I thought I was crazy but I’ve done it enough times now that I know it’s real. The only problem is I’m unsure how I do it. Or how to control it.

      It’s alot to read I know. But if anyone can help me with my abilities you are a godsend…


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        This happened to me for years. I was told to face my fear within the dream. I did this and the dream never returned.


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          There are certain methods you can use to filter and control what you see, and what you don’t see. Your emotions are what control most of this. Find a way to get control over your emotions. Once you do this, your abilities will be stronger. They won’t get blocked my your emotional garbage. Also, if you have a strong reaction or judgement about something, this will block your psychic accuracy. You have to get more neutral to see more clearly. Also, I’m getting a psychic sense that you will benefit from more intensive work with the chakras, the crown and pineal. Without legitimate and proper training, your abilities might be there, but you will have less control and accuracy. If you are serious, get some training. It’s offered here, on the this site. See the Life Mastery Program. I know Dale developed his abilities to the point where he works with police, celebrities, and politicians. It’s just a matter of proper training and experience. I know now there are several doctors, business owners, professional psychics, and police offices active in his training program now. Just about anyone can accomplish high perception, with a little bit of focus, effort, and proper technique.


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            Currently I have to be at work so I don’t have time to reply completely but I’ve read your message I’ll reply when I have a chance!

            There are certain methods you can use to filter and control what you see, and what you don’t see. Your emotions are what control most of this. Find a way to get control over your emotions. Once you do this, your abilities will be stronger. They won’t get blocked my your emotional garbage. Also, if you have a strong reaction or judgement about something, this will block your psychic accuracy. You have to get more neutral to see more clearly. Also, I’m getting a psychic sense that you will benefit from more intensive work with the chakras, the crown and pineal. Without legitimate and proper training, your abilities might be there, but you will have less control and accuracy. If you are serious, get some training. It’s offered here, on the this site. See the Life Mastery Program. I know Dale developed his abilities to the point where he works with police, celebrities, and politicians. It’s just a matter of proper training and experience. I know now there are several doctors, business owners, professional psychics, and police offices active in his training program now. Just about anyone can accomplish high perception, with a little bit of focus, effort, and proper technique.


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              I am so looking forward to this training after reading through the post and reply’s and other information on development. Just the thought of coming to a place of peaceful understanding sounds wonderful. I’ve only signed up and paid for the 1st class lesson because of current financial situations, but in hopes that I can be a contributing member to this sight. I know its advised to take the training in the progressive format, but honestly I can’t wait to find out how the RV’ing ( remote viewing of psychic futuristic perception ) works. So, will see and correspond with all you wonderful, beautiful people in 2 weeks after putting in the required time of the 1st lesson.


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                The lessons are a little slow at first, and for good reason. I know Dale was involved in some studies where they blew people’s psychic perception wide open, in a short amount of time. I’m talking about complete strangers with no psychic awareness or abilities. From what I heard, they had unpleasant results. There are methods in the training that will open the average person wide open in a matter of minutes, but this usually isn’t good for anybody. It’s too much, too fast. I’m thinking most people don’t experience psychic abilities for one simple reason: they can’t handle it. This is why I think the training is spread out over a period of time. It’s set up to make it a comfortable transition. I was pretty cocky about it. My attitude was Give It To Me! I think it was around lesson 6 that I get hit hard. That was humbling! Just try to be patient and enjoy the ride. Results will come, and they will come quickly. But you have to grow into it and it won’t happen overnight. Trust me, you don’t want to grow too fast.


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                  This is interesting. I have the precognition with dreams but these days once a quarter I get big whammy international ones, used to get them weekly. I went through a spell where I was then able to visually see images and heard peoples messages and saw things about to happen. But I found it utterly draining as I have to concentrate in a sphere that’s all I understand it to be.


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                    I do apologize to anyone who replied to me I’ve been very busy and my financials are tanking so my phone isn’t always on. But thank you so much for all your advice I’ll definitely try because I really want my abilities to work. I want to be able to help others more so than myself.


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                      some studies where they blew people’s psychic perception wide open, in a short amount of time. I’m talking about complete strangers with no psychic awareness or abilities. From what I heard, they had unpleasant results.

                      You making this statement made me think about… if people have this ability to do this, to open up others abilities then whats to say they didn’t have and use this ability to make sure some of us got our psychic ability closed. And we lived our lives never knowing .
                      Same thing as people whom have the ability to use psychic connections….if they can alter and help another, then they have the same ability to cause harm. So as much as I wish karmic return was true, its not. Cause the people whom created all these ways of manipulations wasn’t about to make a way for you to do the same to them. We’ve all been used as a bunch of lab rats and guinea pigs. It took me 10 years to accept this truth.

                      I do have a question though, if this so called spirit, universal intellect, what ever its called is so smart, then how come we as dumb humans have to learn to communicate with it. You’d think if it was so smart it would already know how, yes ? We wouldn’t have to take classes or go to school to learn it. Which to me says all this psychic, spiritual stuff is man made.
                      And if I somehow got this as a gift, then who ever gave it to me can have it back. Cause I’ve had nothing, and I mean nothing but bad experiences from it. I don’t see any use of getting visual images, or sensing others emotions. If its not making me money, or contributing to my health, of giving me the means of living a happier life. Then its basically useless to me. Just my own personal opinion of course and in no way meant to offend anybody else.


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                        some studies where they blew people’s psychic perception wide open, in a short amount of time. I’m talking about complete strangers with no psychic awareness or abilities. From what I heard, they had unpleasant results.
                        You making this statement made me think about… if people have this ability to do this, to open up others abilities then whats to say they didn’t have and use this ability to make sure some of us got our psychic ability closed. And we lived our lives never knowing . Same thing as people whom have the ability to use psychic connections….if they can alter and help another, then they have the same ability to cause harm. So as much as I wish karmic return was true, its not. Cause the people whom created all these ways of manipulations wasn’t about to make a way for you to do the same to them. We’ve all been used as a bunch of lab rats and guinea pigs. It took me 10 years to accept this truth.
                        I do have a question though, if this so called spirit, universal intellect, what ever its called is so smart, then how come we as dumb humans have to learn to communicate with it. You’d think if it was so smart it would already know how, yes ? We wouldn’t have to take classes or go to school to learn it. Which to me says all this psychic, spiritual stuff is man made. And if I somehow got this as a gift, then who ever gave it to me can have it back. Cause I’ve had nothing, and I mean nothing but bad experiences from it. I don’t see any use of getting visual images, or sensing others emotions. If its not making me money, or contributing to my health, of giving me the means of living a happier life. Then its basically useless to me. Just my own personal opinion of course and in no way meant to offend anybody else.

                        oh hunny I understand completely. Trust me. When I was little I was so intuitive I was able to see spirits and communicate with them. I had nothing but bad experiences with that. So I closed off. But Now that I’m older I’m more capable of dealing with it so I’m attempting to regain the abilities. But your opinion does make you think….


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                          I agree energy work is the key here. Balancing of the Chakra is very important. Learn to follow the energy. Energy is the key to opening many doors. Let go of all fear when opening up to your precognitive gifts. Learning to be comfortable with who you are and learing to trust your intuition will help guide the energy in the direction it is meant to go.

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