psychic insights

Main LifeLeap Café Get To Know Everyone psychic insights

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated by hope2689.
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      Believe it or not I’ve had so many ‘visions’ and ‘insights’ over the years and they’ve been totally outside my real of volition.

      They come when they come and some of them are so different that I prefer not to share them with anybody.

      Take care,



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          What you are experiencing is very common among many of us in this community. Welcome aboard and keep sharing and participating. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

          - Dale Sellers


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            Hi Matt, i read a little bit of your bio based from your posts. You are loved, you are not alone. Just stop questioning the the things that you don’t understand in life, but let it reveal it’sself to you. In time you will know who you are where you stand and what Gods purpose is for you in life. I am a firm Christian so i truly believe that. My answer to your question is simple. God is love. If you want learn more about him open the book (bible) for starters and meet likeminded people. Good luck on your journey and many blessings to you. Let the Angels set a warm circle of protection around your heart and soul.

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