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  • #15091

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      I am 40 years old..but I look very young,so people treat me like a child,and I dont like that.I have never married,and by my own decision I am alone for the last 10 years.The title meaning descibes me completely..I felt like an outcast most of my life..for the last 7 years I am in a really bad place..I am forced to live with a person I cannot even look at(it is a member of my family that came to live with me and my mother).People actually love me,but they dont understand me,and I feel like I dont belong here at all.A year ago,I came across a story of a person that I felt could be my soulmate,but I dont know him personally,and he does not know I exist..but this feeling is so strong…it is the only thing that keeps me from going completely insain..Will things change for better any time soon?

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