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- May 21, 2020 at 1:35 am #19884
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Credits: 0.00I love my friend truly. I can’t see anyone in her position. I want to marry her and want to be with her forever. I proposed her but she refused it and said she only seeing me as a frnd and brother but I know she has feelings for me i don’t know why is she hiding it.i want to know does she really love me like I love her? Can we be together in future? I already used a spell caster to do a spell for me she said we are twin flames is it real? Will we get married to each other? And what I have to do to be with her forever? Pls guide me iam in a stubborn situation she’s going to be engaged soon? anyone pls help me I also want to know about the love spell will it works and make her get back to me as I wanted? Tell me the direct truth about it I already neared many pains I will bear this also. If the future is like what I want to be I will take steps to get it and will get happy???
May 21, 2020 at 8:26 am #19886Hey Riyasudheen,
I understand how you must feel. I went through a very intense relationship myself that the universe eventually revealed was a twin flame dynamic. It makes you feel like you’re going crazy. Like you love that person so much you’re almost obsessed.
I understand why you’d want to try a love spell, or bend over backwards to get this relationship to click the way you want. You can’t see anyone else coming close to the love you have for this person.The thing about twin flames is this: they are in our lives first and foremost to teach us important things about ourselves. And to really learn the lesson, one must let go of trying to make the relationship work. I KNOW that’s not what you want to hear. It’s not what I wanted either. Let me explain.
Twin flames almost always have a runner (her) and a chaser (you). Sometimes you switch roles later in life as well. If you keep chasing, she will probably keep running. I’m not saying stop being her friend, but I advise you to accept that you can’t control her. You SHOULDN’T control her. We live in a world where we are given free agency over ourselves. You wouldn’t want anyone making you fall in love with them if you weren’t interested, right? She might have lessons to learn from this other person she’s with before she’s ready to connect with you. Or she might need to date other people for years. You might need the same thing in your own ways. There are no definite ‘yes/no’ answers for if you should be with someone, but there are probabilities.
Twin Flames teach us to accept the will of the universe while taking charge of our own lives in the ways we can, with positive energy. This lady you love: as great as she is, you must learn she does not define the meaning of your life or your happiness, nor you hers. If she never comes to you in this life, the universe, God, will provide you with another just as good, if you allow it. One who appreciates you. Or you might come together someday. Most Twin Flames eventually do, if they find self awareness. But you must learn to let go and be at peace. I promise you, even though it probably won’t provide the results you were wishing for in this moment, it very well could down the road. And you will feel so much better in the meantime. Believe that you deserve happiness, and you deserve to have a relationship that clicks into place the way it should. Let her find her own way because you love her, and you love yourself enough. If she comes back to you someday on her own, with peace and joy, you’ll know it was meant to be. But there are so many other gifts for you to find!!
Best wishes,
JillyceMay 21, 2020 at 8:50 am #19887
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Credits: 0.00Thank you very much. The spell caster also said that two of us are twin flames. I thing iam in the starting stage of the separation I can’t bear the pain but I have to let her go I will try my best to for it and live my life. But can I expect her to come back to me again or I have to let her go fully from my life.
May 21, 2020 at 9:02 am #19888That’s a really tough question and I completely understand the pain.
The trick is to let go of expectation. Understand she’s probably your twin flame, and with that comes the possibility you could be together someday.
BUT…you might also have a soulmate out there who could make you happier in this life. I’m not saying that for sure, though. I can’t see that part. Treat your relationship to her like it isn’t going to work out romantically, and shift your focus on to other things. If you can stay friends, perfect.
Then if a time comes where it would be good to be more than friends, you will be brought together and the universe will orchestrate itself to make that happen. You don’t have to sit on the sidelines holding your breath. Live life as if you don’t have a twin flame. Just a good friend. Shift your focus to things that are working. Things that make you happy.With my own twin flame, I had to let go. Then they started dating other people and we stayed best friends. In the meantime, I realized how immature my twin flame still is by the way they treated those people. Right now I’m very glad we’re friends and not dating. It would be a nightmare.
May 21, 2020 at 9:24 am #19889
Anonymous- Topics: 2
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Credits: 0.00Thank you for your guidance.I think I already met my soulmate she’s my first love she’s also gone and going to get married? now this is my second time and now she’s also going to engaged soon. It happened 3months ago now we are not talking to each other but know I thing iam positive about my life and happy. Now when I thing about her I’ll become happy like something is going to happen. But the expectations are not leaving I have the feeling now she also thinking about me and missing me. I also have strong feelings that she’ll accept me and come back to me soon. But know she’s not taking to me and ignoring is their any probability that she start again communicating me? Can I do anything to make her come to me pls help me???
May 21, 2020 at 9:58 am #19890If she’s your twin flame, there will always be a piece of you that stays connected, because you are soul family. If you are truly happy, you’ll be content with the fact that she may not come back to you, because you know you’ll still be happy. I know you still long for her to change her mind, which means you aren’t at that place yet. That’s ok! It’s part of the journey.
The more you worry about influencing her, the more you’re getting in your own way. That’s a big part of the twin flame dynamic. Set her free. Like taking a bird out of its cage and letting it fly. You can’t control if it comes back, and that has to be ok.
If you simply can’t be at peace with that right now, you can try to confront her. Odds are, though, she will simply do or say something that hurts you and drives you further apart.
If she isn’t with you right now, there’s a reason. Accept there’s a reason. You don’t have to pretend you don’t love her. But embrace what feels peaceful and right. Chasing does NOT feel like that. It feels like crap.
I encourage you to look up things about twin flames online. It might bring more clarity to this situation. - AuthorPosts
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