My Introduction To This Fascinating Group

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  • #20454

    Lesson 20
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      Credits: 4.00

      Dear All:

      I would like to introduce myself. So much can be said but, I shall keep it short for now.

      I’ve had psychic experiences throughout my life. They revolve around claircognizance and clairsentience (knowing and feeling). They were more frequent when I was young. They still occur but I would like to encourage them to be more regular. I also feel influenced by automatic writing. I cast the YiJing for divinatory guidance. I believe that there is much more to life than our common five senses would witness. I am on a path to strengthen an awareness of that psychic potential that goes beyond this material limitation.

      What I appreciate most about this site is its preliminary focus on becoming an unbiased observer of our thoughts and training us to use our consciousness in a way that strengthens our awareness while calming our emotions.

      I have studies in Metaphysical Science from Thomas Francis University and the University of Philosophical Research. But, what matters most is not what I know but what I “am” and can “use.”

      I am a fellow traveler on this spiritual path of personal growth. I am hopeful to share the journey with like-minded beings – to support and be supported.

      I am retired and living in Colombia, South America near a sacred site where it is believed that humankind had its origin. ( I speak English, Spanish, and am learning to speak Portuguese. For my outreach, I teach, without charge, English as a foreign language to students who cannot otherwise afford to pay for lessons.

      May you realize your desire for meaning and fulfillment in your life!



        • United States
          Credits: 775.00

          Welcome to the LifeLeap Community. Keep sharing and feel free to ask questions.

          - Dale Sellers


          Lesson 20
          LMP Student
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            Credits: 4.00

            Thank you Dale 🙂

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