money issue

Main LifeLeap Café Personal Growth Help money issue

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      help me be financial stable


        • United States
          Credits: 775.00


          That’s a pretty vague request, but let me see if I can offer some advice.

          First, this will likely require hard and consistent work from you. If you are willing to do the work, we have some great resources which will help.

          First, I would download this:

          Read it back to front, re-read again, and re-read it again until you are quoting it in your mind. Then re-read it every couple months to keep yourself on target.

          Also, if you haven’t done so already, sign up to “The Best Life”

          These steps will get your started. They will work if you put your mind to it. And of course, if you have specific questions, you can ask for help in this community.

          - Dale Sellers

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