Member Journals – Tutorial

Main LifeLeap Café Tutorials & Guidelines Member Journals – Tutorial

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated by lacavage37.
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  • #10206

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        Credits: 775.00

        Community Member Journals – Tutorial

        We encourage all community members to maintain a journal of your life experiences. This is a healthy process for you, as it helps you to share, acknowledge and clarify your growth as a member.

        When you make member journal posts, you also give other members the opportunity to comment and share to your posts. It’s good to connect with others as you are going through the training.

        You also receive “LifeLeap Credits” when you make a journal entries, which can be used to purchase our services and donate to other members.

        There are three primary places to post journal entries:

        1. Make a status update in Your Profile. All members can see this journal entry, but only members who are your confirmed “friends” can comment on the entry.

        2. Make a status update in the Main Activity Wall of the LifeLeap Community. All members can see this journal entry and can comment on the entry.

        3. Create a topic/reply in a the Main Activity Area. This is good if you have specific insights or questions you want to share, which refer to specific topic in the Main Activity Area.

        Let us know if you have any questions about writing community member journals.

        - Dale Sellers


        Basic Member
          • United States
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          Credits: 3.00

          I like the journal. I need as much input as I can get.


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