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- March 24, 2020 at 2:00 am #19655
Hello beautiful soul’s!!!
So I need some help! I had this guy who I dated for 9 years. It was an extremely bad experience. I was young, and thought I knew it all, he was a few years older than me. I was head over heels in deep love with this man. He was my everything! I stuck by his side through drug, and alcoholic,and countless jail terms. Not too mention the mental, and physical abuse. Things got really bad after his mom passed away, it was completely unexpected. and they were very close. This flipped our life, and relationship upside down. Things got way worse, I won’t go into detail. On top of everything else we had been through. He started cheating on me. I found out about everything, and I choose to forgive him. so later on down the road, he tried to take his life and it was a bad experience. But he started on a road to recovery,and getting help. Things seemed to start looking up. We moved to another town to get away, we both got a job, and seemed happy. So I thought. I was so happy for once, and he seemed like he was finally happy too. Well I came home from work one night and he was asleep. I went through his phone, and found out he was talking to a new from his work. I asked him about this prior to catching them talking. He said he I was just paranoid. But the texts were friendly nothing too serious. But after everything he had already put me through I knew it was headed in a direction for them to be together. Well I ended up leaving and staying with a friend. He didn’t ask me to come back or anything. But I stayed away but then him and they girl started talking or whatever. so by that point I was begging to be back with him. He said I needed to change and get help. He was right but at that point I. Didn’t understand what he meant. But we always stayed in contract. I eventually moved on and got into another relationship. me And the new guy had a child together. But me and my ex has been split up for the past 8 year’s now, but we talk daily pretty much. He also helps me financially and anything else I need. He is so so good to me now, and he is so sweet. Its like he’s a totally different man, especially the past couple year’s. We have no type of sexual,touching,or kissing, nothing of that matter. But no body else believes me bout that tho. But it’s the truth. Recently I’ve started having stronger feelings for him, even when we were together. I didn’t think stronger feelings were possible but I get this feeling in my chest, it’s a tingle sensations. I almost know he feels it too. I can’t explain it I wish I had the right words but I don’t. Its the craziest situation I’ve ever felt. But I love him so much it hurt s. I thought I was completely over him. But he is now my bestriend, but I can’t stop thinking about him. Why after all these years is this happening? Nothing has really changed. I wish I had some kind understanding to all this!!! My heart is so broken and I don’t know what to do. I’m scared to death we will ruin our friendship, we have delpvoped a bond like no other. And I don’t want it to go away! But I also feel he is my soul mate we just both needed to grow up and mature. But idk any thoughts,or advice will be greatly appreciated. And would mean so much to me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!March 24, 2020 at 9:19 am #19656Hey Beth,
I feel pretty strongly that you should look into twin flame relationships and see if this compares to what you’re going through. These relationships are intended to be intense (positively and negatively) and usually pretty difficult because they cause a lot of growth. It’s my understanding that they can also become very satisfying and rewarding if both individuals grow enough and come back together over a lifetime, as friends and often romantic partners. This isn’t applicable to every relationship, and you don’t HAVE to be romantically involved with your twin to have a great life.
I do sense that right now you are being called to show up authentically, in a mature and loving way for yourself and the ones you care about. Be honest, but remember to handle your relationships carefully and with lots of clear communication and respect. Don’t lose yourself in romance or drama, and instead tend to what you are growing like it’s a garden. Let what is right keep blossoming in its time.April 7, 2020 at 5:06 pm #19768Hi Beth, I was going to say kind of what Jillyce mentioned about looking into the twin flame stuff (but be careful cause it could also be a rabbit hole!)
As a cupid empath I will say that when I was reading about your connection with him I could feel tingles in my heartspace and my heart was lifting and smiling a little—-then I read that you get the tingles too so that is beautiful!
With these type of relationships its more about self development and personal spiritual growth and nothing on the earth plane seems to make any sense! Trust in yourself and keep your vibrations high I will send you lots of love 🙂
April 8, 2020 at 12:19 am #19769I wanted to take the time, too personally say thank you both for taking your time too read my post asking for help. You will truly never know just how much this meant to me. What beautiful amazing advice you both gave. You both have a beautiful soul and I’m for ever blessed for your time you have given me freely. Things haven’t easy at all with this whole situation and of course none of my friends understand at all. I’m constantly being accused of sleeping with him and so much more and I have no reason what so ever to lie to anyone, especially people who are supposed to be my friends. I have always asked for help on all of this but it’s always someone judging me. so I will always and forever be grateful for your kindness. We need more people like you guys in this world. I can’t ever thank you both enough. You made me cry tears of joy to know people still care. I needed to see that right now in this very moment. I wish you all the very best of luck. And will always be thankful for your care and support!!! Thank you!!!
Love always your friend,
Elizabeth Smith!!!April 8, 2020 at 12:47 am #19771I’m so glad I could help, Elizabeth! That means a lot to me too. Thank you so much for the kind words 🙂
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