In need of a little bit of guidance

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      I finally found a job (although I am hoping for things to pick up soon) I am pretty much content with what I do, but however things for a little while have been kind of rocky. What I was wondering is will this rocky situation improve soon?

      Thank you 🙂


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        It is really good that you found a job and that you are content with what you are doing. Right now it is very important to stay with that job, even though it is not what you want to be doing forever. Having this job is helping you to gain the self confidence that you deserve. This same self confidence will help you through other situations, even though the problems might not be work related.

        You are a strong person and you will get through these trying times. You have more ability to turn things around than you realize. Just keep the faith and know that you have the ability to make decisions for your future.

        Best wishes,


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            Hi not sure what to explain that has been happening to me this year waste of money to those psyches who where not real about the ending of this year being good. Alot of turmoil I have had enough of this nonsense getting myself into a rut and not knowing who I can count on to help me but I did think one person my mate could no to him to. I’m worried I was just trying to do the right things and now it seems everything thAT HAS HAPPEN TO ME IN the the last 3yrs have finally caught up to me again at the ending of this year. only this time I feel like a mother lion untouchable. Sorry I had to release this I’m worried, crying, I have had enough w/ money disappearing from hands so loosely, again going to a bill, again going to the wrong things instead of course going to the right things. I just feel so alone w/ a man I can’t count on but he does not mind taking even if it is your last I want out from him to only to feel I need him to help w/ our children until I finish school which will be in January, Yes I do need him I have no money, and I can’t place 2 kids on my mother to much pressure on her and me. Will I graduate this program I hope to relieve myself of this old me and want to turn into by myself me for a while, while and one more day while. I want to refresh me no regressions, just want the future to hold happiness.

            - Dale Sellers


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              If you could please post this question under a new topic which you create, it will be easier for others to locate and offer suggestions.

              You seem to know what you need to do to plan for your future–

              Best wishes,


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                Dearest Kathy,
                Thank you for keeping me grounded and my head level:) No I have no plans of leaving this job anytime soon because I do see it as a gateway to hopefully new opportunities in the future. This job is in a way what I like to do best is which is helping people, sure it is great to finally have some kind of income, but I am hopeful that for awhile I get to keep it. Thank you again:)


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                  I sense that you are doing well with your new job. Your employer surely notices your willingness to help others, as well as your professional ethic.

                  It also seems that this job is helping to build your self-confidence. It may take a bit longer before you really feel that you are getting ahead financially, but that time will come. Now that you are receiving income, it should be steady. You will get back on your feet!

                  Best wishes!


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                    Hi Kathy,
                    I surely hope so I like the job very much and I wish to be there awhile, but I get the impression some how I am not liked much at all for whatever reason (especially one person in particular). I feel like I get bullied because I am new and I ask a few questions every now and again, but one thing is certain I am willing to work and I do just that. I am hoping to advance from this point in the future, but in the meantime I feel I am learning alot and gaining some experience at the same time.

                    Thank you so much for the encouragement and the guidance 🙂


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                      The person who is giving you the opposition most likely sees you as a threat. You are doing your very best and you want to learn to do your job properly. It is only natural that you will have questions for awhile. It really takes about a year for someone to become completely familiar with all job responsibilities.

                      If you can just work around this person and try to limit your contact, you will feel more in control. You have a great attitude and you are not going to let this person stand in your way!

                      Best wishes,


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                        Hi Kathy,
                        Yeah you are 100% correct and I always appreciate your guidance thank you so much. I am learning alot and I think I am finally finding my niche. I just have to learn to be a little less thin skinned and to keep my eye on my ultimate goal (which is to work my way up from here:). I will stick with this awhile because despite the rough start I am really getting to like it, but it is very true what they say our attitude does indeed tend to determine our altitude so I will try to stay as focused on the positive end of things as long as it is humanly possible.
                        Thanks again:)


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                          With your good attitude you can’t help but be successful!

                          Best wishes to you!


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                            I was hoping to stick through this thing to the end, but lately things have been so negative it has been very hard to want to stay. I work so hard only to be unappreciated, talked down to, mocked, and most of all being treated like I am stupid. What I am thinking now is maybe I need to seek work elsewhere? What I want to ask is how good are my chances are for going elsewhere? I want to stay put, but it just feels like I am fighting a never ending losing battle. Thank you in advance


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                              Just hang in there! I know things are not as they should be, but remember how many months you waited to find this job. The job market is still very tight and it often takes people months to find another job.

                              As long as you are doing your job and doing it well, just focus on that aspect. Think about how much you have learned in a short amount of time. The people who are treating you poorly most likely are miserable within themselves. Just try to work around them and don’t let them think that you are even phased by their behavior.

                              It would not be a good idea to quit this job until you have received another job offer. You could very well outlast the people who are not so nice where you are working now.

                              Best wishes,


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                                Thank you for the advice, but there is no way I could not work around these individuals because they are my superiors and I must keep in contact with them. Don’t get me wrong I like to work and I have been doing just that, but my tolerance is running thin with this kind of treatment (it is draining my energy daily) so no I will not leave until I have somethingelse first, but unless something for the better changes I think I need to seriously consider my options.

                                Thanks again for everything:)


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                                  The longer you work there, the more familiar you will become with company policy and procedures. This will cause you to have less contact with these individuals in time. It is unfortunate that they feel the need to behave in this manner. You are doing the best that you can in these circumstances.

                                  If you can manage to continue to look elsewhere for more meaningful work while you are still employed, that could also be a positive step. A potential employer would see you as someone who wants to better herself. Since you already have a job, you would not appear desperate.

                                  You are finally able to bring in some income which you need. This has relieved some of the pressure that you were feeling. As for the work situation, it might help you to remember that nothing is forever. The people in charge might not always be there. So you can wait for another job or perhaps another position with the company you are now with. It might help to just take one day at a time–

                                  Best wishes,


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                                    What you are saying is true, but sometimes it just hurts alot especially when you are trying to do your best. I am disappointed that some folks would act this way, but I am kind of used to it by now. I am really grateful for your insight and encouragement:) I am just hoping things will get better soon so that I can actually get to enjoy what I do again.
                                    Thank you

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