I’m getting he did cross over some boundaries, but it feels like it was just emotional, flirtation, that sort of thing. I keep seeing nurse around him, or maybe that’s you. I see definite distance now, although it does feel like you are together, but almost like roommates. I can’t guarantee it, but it does feel like there is still hope. It doesn’t feel like it’s too late for the two of you to have something again. If you get your mind off of what happened, her name, that sort of thing, and you put your focus on strengthening your relationship, you might have a chance. Or you could destroy it all rather quickly. Really feels like it’s up to you. I see you are a life mastery student. If anything can save your marriage, it’s what you will learn and develop in that course. But you have to do the work. Use it to work on yourself from within, which will radiate into your relationship.