I do not like experiencing my visions and dreams coming true.

Main Metaphysics and Paranormal Psychic Development Forums I do not like experiencing my visions and dreams coming true.

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      today it is happening now. It’s unfolding in Columbia S.C. I asked Mary Kay a question this past week what do you do if you know something is going to occur but have no proof? She referred me for counciling with Dale.
      I just felt helpless… And now here it is the kkk black panthers sons of confederate soldiers so many groups marching on the state capital. Some have permits some do not. But one thing all have in common is hate. I feel this as it flows through my body now as all of my vision comes true happening now. I am spiritually trying to meditate on peaceful beautiful thoughts trying to combat the hate my fear. And to stop the violence before it occurs. If any one else reads soon please join me in reaching out with peaceful meditation of love peace and no violence. It is the only way to stop this from occurring.


      Living life to my ability!


        • United States
          Credits: 775.00

          Sometimes visions can be our own subconscious garbage coming out to the surface and sometimes they can be real psychic visions. There are methods to tell the difference.

          Regardless, please be careful about trying to save the world based on every psychic impression you receive. This can be dangerous. We also have to be careful about playing God. If I did that, starting many years ago I would have created many issues for myself.

          I have an acquaintance that spent three days in jail because he had some specific details about a murder case. The cops thought he was a little “too accurate.” He had to prove his intuitive ability before they would let him out.

          Hope this helps.

          - Dale Sellers

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