How is this possible?

Main LifeLeap Café LifeLeap Institute Related How is this possible?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated by Dale.
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  • #6244

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      I did the psychic project a while ago and I’m still trying to figure out how I was so accurate. Not trying to be conceded, but I did find my results fascinating. There were details that I hit that seemed pretty much beyond chance. I noticed many of the other participants did well too. I started wondering if it was rigged, but then I did some other exercises and I could see that it was the real deal. This is a good demonstration of the psychic ability in us all. I look forward to doing more exercises for practice.


        • United States
          Credits: 775.00

          rgreen –

          Congratulations on your success with the psychic project. Everyone is physic, so it doesn’t surprise me you did so well Keep up the good work. Remember, psychic ability is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.

          - Dale Sellers

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