Hi, my name is Gin!

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      I am 28 years old. I have three kids, and been married since 2006 (9 years). When I was in my early teen years I could feel things around me, and sometimes see things. I thought I was crazy so I blocked it all out. Then about 7 years ago I went though something very traumatic and started to feel others emotions. The problem is I cant differ there’s from mine. I would love to be able to help others and learn to grow my abilities.


        • United States
          Credits: 775.00

          Gin – Thank you for sharing. While teaching others for so many years, I’ve seen what you are describing quite often.

          One idea is to test it!

          Eventually you should encounter situations where it’s verified the psychic impressions are about you, and situations where it’s verified the impressions are someone else. This may happen after the event, but this is still something you can work with. Use these situations to help you discover the difference between the two – the internal differences in you.

          For example, when you discover your psychic impressions are something about you, pay attention to any sensations you are having, any subtle differences. Notice any sensations in your body, any type of mindset, etc. You can even go back to the times it was about you and try to recall any sensations you had at that moment.

          Then, at the time you discover your psychic impressions are about someone else, pay attention to any sensations you are having, and subtle differences. Again, you can go back to the times it was about someone else and try to recall any sensations you had at that moment.

          Pay attention to the differences from when the impressions are about you and when they are about someone else – the difference, although probably small, is there. You can use this in the future to help yourself tell the difference.

          The sensations I’m talking about could be where emotional energy is located in your body, a certain feeling, a certain state of mind.

          This is a beginning method, and it’s not as reliable or as easy of other approaches – but it should help. We cover this issue in more detail in our Life Mastery Program on this site.

          Let me know how you make out with what I’ve suggested here.

          - Dale Sellers

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