Main › LifeLeap Café › Free Psychic Questions › he’s sick! and im freaking out! can i handle???
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- July 19, 2010 at 5:22 am #6428
my fiancee has 3 or 4 diseases including chrones and arthritis slowly but surely running throughout his whole body. hes only 25, and ive bee so worried about him. is his life going to get any easier on him? there is alot more to the story but i dont wanna carry on, i tend to do that. i also need to know if i really am emotionally ready to go through what lies ahead. its easy for me to say its gonna be hard but deep down im freaking out. hes the love of my life, please help. thank you if anyone answers. oh and my birthday is 7-1-85 and his is 3-29-84 both born in california.
July 19, 2010 at 7:32 pm #7538
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Credits: 228.01I sense that you already know that you love him and will stand by him. Most likely he is receiving medical treatment to help alleviate some of these symptoms? It is sad that he has to endure this physical pain.
Your love for one another will help you both thru this. You will become emotionally stronger as you support him thru trying times–
Many blessings to the both of you–
🙂July 20, 2010 at 4:06 am #7539he gets meds when he goes to the doctor (once in a blue moon when he cant handle the pain anymore) but they only prescribe 3 months worth. so he spreads the medicine out VERY SPARINGLY ive seen a prescription last him almost a year. only taking them when he is in severe pain. he is supposed to take 8 pills a day out of that bottle! I guess its just one of those big obstical courses everyone goes through eventually. I keep telling myself hoping it will make me feel better, but no nothing is right now.except this site. now I can talk about this without making people feel uncomfortable. how do you talk to someone about something so BIG if they havent even come close to a tragedy like this one. they wont understand. I know that I would be a little wierded out not knowing what to say to make them feel better. at least on here in the forums there is bound to be someone in a similar situation who can really talk and make me feel better. 🙂
July 20, 2010 at 7:08 pm #7540
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Credits: 228.01It is important that he follow the directions that accompany each medication. Also that each of his doctors are aware of all of the medications that have been prescribed for him. Also that he follow a special diet. There are regimens that he could follow that would improve his health. He could feel better and have a more enjoyable life.
So if he has not done so already, he might want to make an appointment with his health care provider to discuss all of these options. If you could accompany him on this appointment, you too could learn of ways to better help him.
Best wishes to both of you!
🙂July 21, 2010 at 8:15 pm #7541Hi Tabitha,
First of all I would like to start this post off by saying you have definitely come to the right place:) The folks here are super nice and kind and very much welling to assist you in whatever way that they can. I am not much of a psychic myself either, but I do think we all have the potential to be over time if properly developed. The reason I am responding to your post is to hopefully pass along some wisdom and encouragement because it just sounded like you need it right about now. First start by taking a deep breath and exhaling really slowly, why do this you might ask? to calm yourself down a little bit. Next you have to find a new outlet in which to channel that negative energy that you have potentially stored up (your fiancee being ill might be causing you to freak out because you are carrying both the burden of caregiver and the emotional weight to shoulder of watching a loved one be ill which tends to make a person feel at times helpless especially when they are in pain as you described in your post) finding that outlet that will allow you to release this angst in a positive direction will not only benefit yourself, but the person that you love as well (storing up pent emotion will burn you out fast I ought to know trust me on that one lol). you can start by finding things that you both can do together that you both enjoy and that won’t be to taxing to his health. Next make sure you don’t neglect taking good care of yourself sometimes in the mist and magic of taking care of others we neglect taking care of ourselves (sometimes you must take a little me time break every now and again to regenerate some of that lost energy so you can continue to help others). Last, but certainly not least it is apparent by this post that you already have the answers to your questions:) because you know that he is ill and you have already stuck it out to this point and that alone to me says that you must love this person very very much and he apparently feels the same way, I say go for it and just take life one step at a time. Love does give us strength and it gives us great comfort and support and with the two of you facing this together and not alone will make anything thrown at you from this point on much easier to handle. Good luck to you both:)P.S. It’s ok to confide in someone just make sure it’s someone you can trust and feel comfortable talking to or sharing sensitive information with.
July 26, 2010 at 9:46 am #7542Thank you soooo much kitana I really appreciate your response. and your totally right. I do need to take a deep breath. I really can drive myself up a wall sometimes! lol! anyways i can see how wonderful this place is and ive bookmarked it on my comp too so Ill always remember to actually come back. its a great site to release my emotions and to get some of the problems out of my head, for at least a little while. I agree completely with you on pretty much everything. though I do wish it were easier to get a hold of that dang insurance! we are both servers, making it just about impossible to get any decent coverage right now. but we are working on that part. hes working on getting s.s. disability right now. it takes a while i guess. so far he hasnt been in any sort of agonizing pain from the disease besides the usual stomache pain so we are ok for now. from what im noticing anyways (he is as stubborn as an ox, never wants to see the dr!) im keeping my eye out and taking it one day at a time, or should I say one BREATH at a time. 🙂 working hard to get things going so at least we wont be scattered in the future. sorry I can really carry on sometimes and just type about everything and anything in my head. (just like in person!) ill keep posting when I have another breakdown, and keep reading other posts in between. and then hopefully I can provide the same insight and encouragement to another lifeleaper in crisis. thanks again.
p.s. not so good with wording myself so if it sounds like im just blabbering away on here i apologize 🙂
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