Hello I am new Call me Mae!

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      have a great day!

      Living life to my ability!


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        have a great day!

        Hello mae, and welcome to what will be a new set of experiences.
        So until that time,
        Be Well


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          Thanks Talker,
          I am not necessarily new to the experience have been having dreams and predicting future since 4. But it’s suddenly strange and different. I was told I am under spiritual attack. This may be cause of difference.my last dream was about an attack on my daughter which occurred 3 weeks later. She had warning and was prepared.made it out safely. But since nothing.in year and half.
          I don’t have a clue what to do. So starting here seemed a good idea. Thanks for a forced listen,

          Living life to my ability!


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            Thanks Talker,
            I am not necessarily new to the experience have been having dreams and predicting future since 4. But it’s suddenly strange and different. I was told I am under spiritual attack. This may be cause of difference.my last dream was about an attack on my daughter which occurred 3 weeks later. She had warning and was prepared.made it out safely. But since nothing.in year and half.
            I don’t have a clue what to do. So starting here seemed a good idea. Thanks for a forced listen,

            Hello Mae,
            Was the source that ‘told I am under spiritual attack’ a valuable and reliable source! As for ‘I don’t have a clue what to do’, create a ‘psychic shield’. There are many ways to do this.
            Simple one is: Go into what I refer to as ‘level / trance / reverie, visualize a clear bubble surrounding you. Now ‘imagine’ a sword in one hand, make cutting action movements around your bubble, with that sword to sever ‘all’ cords you see, while saying ‘all negative energies return to your owner’. Make further statement of ‘I am protected from all negative influences’. ‘Only good and positive influences are allowed to enter my shield’. As a parent, I do believe one can / could and does, create ‘safe’ shields for their children.
            I always added when doing the children things,’if it is good for and welcomed by their soul’.
            Be Well


              • United States
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                If someone else told you that you are under a spiritual attack, be careful about buying that one.

                Anyways, visualizations and rituals are great and do work at times. A good question – what do these things create? They trigger a deep sense of emotion, a state. Work to find a good visualization which works for you, which helps you to trigger the right state. You can also work on just being able to create the state.

                “Ownership” is a powerful state to keep other people’s junk off/out of you. There are some methods for creating this here, so look around if you are curious.

                - Dale Sellers


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                  I think I understand a correlation to my system. A year and a half ago I started a treatment for medical purposes. And began receiving injections in my neck as a nerve block.also had them in different parts of spine and joints. I wonder if this is cause. And I just had to use meditation to clear up and free myself?

                  Living life to my ability!


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                    Hi Mae, I’m new to the forum. You can call me Treasure or Tee.


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                      Hi treasure it’s a pleasure to meet you. Hope to catch up with you soon?

                      Living life to my ability!

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