Free Psychic Tests and Development Tool – Psychic Project

Main LifeLeap Café LifeLeap Institute Related Free Psychic Tests and Development Tool – Psychic Project

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated by Dale.
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  • #6237

      • United States
        • Topic Author
        Credits: 775.00

        The Psychic Project is a free online psychic development training tool developed by LifeLeap Institute. The project was created about six years ago for the exclusive use of our Advanced Psychic Training Course students, but after great success, we decided to give the public access to this powerful tool.

        We have had thousands and thousands of participants over the years, many of which have reported extraordinary results. This project has helped many people to discover and harness their own personal psychic potential – seasoned psychics and beginners. Participation in the Psychic Project is 100% free.

        The Project Works like this:

        1. We provide you with several pointers for instantly using your psychic ability. Because of our extensive training and experience involving psychic training, you’ll find our advice very helpful.

        2. Using only your own psychic ability, we ask you to focus on a couple of pre-selected targets (specific events and/or people). At first, we don’t give you any information about these psychic targets. This insures that only you psychic ability is used to focus in on the targets.

        3. On easy to use online forms, we then ask you to answer several psychic-based questions about these targets (still without revealing anything about these psychic targets). The whole exercise takes only a few minutes.

        4. In the final stage of the Psychic Project, we reveal to you the details of the psychic targets (the specific events and/or people that we asked you to focus on). We also show you the results of your exercises along with the results of other participants. We do this while strictly maintaining everyone’s confidentiality.

        As a participant, you have the ability to participate in several exercises, at your own pace, and on your own time. You can post comments to other participants, ask the “Target People” questions, and receive personal tips from me about how to improve your psychic ability.

        Here is the link to the Psychic Project: Psychic Test

        Once you participate, feel free to come back to these forums to discuss your experiences or ask us any questions.

        - Dale Sellers


          • United States
            • Topic Author
            Credits: 775.00

            We have had thousands and thousands of participants over the years, many of which have reported extraordinary results.


            - Dale Sellers


              • United States
                • Topic Author
                Credits: 775.00

                Once you participate,



                - Dale Sellers

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