Editing Your Profile Info – Your Name, Location, etc

Main LifeLeap Café Tutorials & Guidelines Editing Your Profile Info – Your Name, Location, etc

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated by Satya.
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  • #10207

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        Editing Your Profile Info – Your Name, Location, etc

        Editing your profile information is important. It allows you to let other community members know details about you such as your real name, your location and other helpful facts. When we keep our profiles updated, it really helps to create a stronger member community because we get to know each other better.

        So let’s get started!

        Edit Your Main Information

        This section contains details such as your real name, your location and your community signature (a signature which appears at the bottom of all your topics and posts).

        Once you are in Your Profile page, you can see the buttons which will navigate you to your “Main Information”

        Simply type in what you want to edit (your real name, etc), click “save changes” and you are done. It’s easy.

        Here is a diagram showing how to navigate to your “Main Information”


        See Also:

        Uploading and Editing Your Profile Photo

        Friends Tutorial

        - Dale Sellers


        Basic Member
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          I have updated every details but unable to upadte my profile pic

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