Easy Psychic Development

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  • #6524

      • United States
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        Credits: 775.00

        Easy Psychic Development: As you may know, psychic ability is a way of accessing information from a greater spiritual intelligence. This universal intelligence exceeds far beyond the limitations of our reasoning, our bodies, linear time, and space.

        Have you ever wondered if there is an easy, real way to get true psychic impressions about something you need to know – whether it’s in the past, present or future? What if there was a simple method that you could start using now to “trick” your subconscious mind into revealing psychic details about another person, event, or situation – would you be interested? See the technique: Easy Psychic Development

        - Dale Sellers


        Lesson 7
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          Could your doubts block your psychic ability in some parts of your life? I did this exercise and calmed myself to a deeper more relaxed state and ask myself some questions. I started with simple ones and used the idea of a traffic light. I asked questions I already had some feelings about and then I asked a question that I am in the fence with what will happen. So I asked my question and I immediately saw green and another image popped up as well. Could this mean when I am not practicing that questions that are very dear to me I can’t answer because of my emotional attachments?


            • United States
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              Credits: 775.00

              Doubts are a major factor in blocking psychic ability for most people. This is why it’s absolutely critical to get control over your emotions.

              Emotions are really the driving force behind all metaphysical abilities. If out of control, they will block psychic abilities. If in control, they can used to focus, filter, and clarify abilities.

              We have methods for accomplishing this and there are other methods that work in other places.

              Hope this helps.

              - Dale Sellers


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                What do you mean by “controlling” your emotions? I started reading one of your courses and it was talking about stepping outside of your emptions.

                My question is actually philosophical in nature. Controlling emotions seems to imply stoicism. But Buddhist mindfulness is more about simply experiencing emotions and not being driven to act on them.

                So I wonder do you really advocate controlling emotions or are you talking about something else. And how can we more precisely think about this?

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