Current life situation/ psychic scam

Main LifeLeap Café Free Psychic Questions Current life situation/ psychic scam

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      I am currently experiencing a situation with a psychic who I believe has scammed me into believing that I have negative energy surrounding me. I feel foolish for initially pursing their services for some time at a cost. I was vulnerable at the time and dealing with stressful situations in my personal life. I havent been in contact with them until recently to try and sort out the situation and try and get a partial refund. This person was not even able to followup with me claiming they were to busy with other clients and praying for me.That is a bit of background information on the current situation.

      What I would like to know is if anyone has an insight into this situation, will it work itself out. Can anyone pick up anything on this “psychic” I don’t want any negative energy being thrown my way and am just stressed by this situation. In addition, I am still unsure of my true career path and if the person I am with is my soul mate. I feel gultiy for having these negative thoughts. I am also currently experiencing a few health issues which adds to the stress. Any insight into my current situation would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you.


        • United States
          Credits: 775.00


          This is a typical psychic scam I’ve seen for many years. I’ve met many people who have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars to these types of things.

          First, don’t buy into “you have a dark cloud” sales tactics. This is where you get you. Everyone has issues and this person you are referring to has more than you – that’s my intuitive sense. They are simply trying to bait you into thinking you need them.

          Most of these people don’t even have real training or experience. My hunch – this person falls into the same category. I would suggest getting away.

          Don’t pay for any type of healing based service unless you know the person and there are many reasons to trust them. Even then, watch out. If the fees start rapidly increasing, run away as fast as you can.

          As far as getting rid of negative energy, if you are really serious about it and do believe you need to do something about it (but not because someone else told you so), your best bet is to learn how to do this yourself. It’s not a huge impossible feat. There are training programs for this and sometimes you can find some decent books at the bookstore. Most people will benefit greatly from this.

          - Dale Sellers

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