Crystals With a Field.

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated by Anonymous.
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  • #6776

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      Hi all,
      im currently in a group where we have been given instructions from spirit on how to align an old energy from atlantis and later it was in egypt 3000 years ago. After then field was installed in crystals a lot of things has happend in my life. I would like any insights from the group on what you can feel of thi field, if there is any :), and how it works. Also would like any insights on group dynamics, and if we should be aware of.also if you get any insights on how to get this out to the world. I will promise to give a lot of feedback.


        • United States
          Credits: 775.00

          This section of the forum is about psychic development, but not so much about aligning atlantis energy from crystals. You aren’t likely to get much help here on that subject, if any at all. That’s something i would suggest in a more specialized community, centered around those types of things.

          We tend to focus on general psychic development in one’s life, and how this can be applied in beneficial and practical way. If you have any questions about these areas, please let us know.

          - Dale Sellers


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            Awesome I feel very happy with what you have been guided to, I don’t know how to give an answer as I’m not sure of the question it is your asking.

            Energies of old are great, they are more pure and less tainted to newwer tacktics. Although I have seen some impresive layouts.

            Old energies and guides are coming back as so Mich needs healing today. They mass protect and help it build as they are still here as much as me and you. Plus everything is conected.

            If you help it always comes back so what ever you are doing. I have big nods from my guides.

            Maybe its you and your guides that need to figure this amazing energy out and write it down and share with all :))

            Every person in the group will have a different veiw , feeling, perception on it and that is the best thing ever because you put it all together. I think it is so much bigger then one view.

            I hope you get this and give me a hoy with anything you found.

            Exciting times we have found

            Love and light

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