Can Medication Impede Psychic Development?

Main LifeLeap Café Personal Growth Help Can Medication Impede Psychic Development?

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      I truly believe i have the capabilities as i have had way in the past visions of things that had come to pass & used to always see things on my eyelids when they were closed as if it were a movie screen, although i never knew what i was seeing meant.
      Also my great grandma was very psychic & i always felt i would take after her, i don’t know why, i just felt it.
      I have been on nerve pills, antidepressants,etc. For yrs, and all that has really slowed down. I would like to learn & strengthen my abilities.
      But do certain meds interfere?


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        7 was supposed to be &


          • United States
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            Based on years of teaching and years of research, i would say yes. I would look into other ways to deal with the challenges you are having. Meds may be necessary at times, but over time, they destroy the body (not including the mind and spiritual awareness). A lot of research out there that indicates that people who meditate, exercise, and eat healthily don’t need meds (at least as much).

            Here’s a video we posted a while back which you may find intriguing:


            - Dale Sellers


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              A lot of research out there that indicates that people who meditate, exercise, and eat healthily don’t need meds (at least as much).


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                A lot of research out there that indicates that people who meditate, exercise, and eat healthily don’t need meds (at least as much).


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