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- November 1, 2019 at 4:10 am #19415
Hello all ..
My name is chance.mordrake. im 40years old.. .i have a wife named jerika. She 32 years old. Aswell as a boy that turns 13 in April. I aswell as my only child was born on April 8th. Long storu but i will try to give it the rough. Out line. PLEASE HELP ME! My health has deteriorating. Vastly in last year. I just know and can see and feel that someone hurting me and my family. A woman i didnt know said there. Are 2 people from my past looking for me? They want to tell me something. I dont know exactly. What i do beleive in anymore. But i know this.. The last 2 years i have watched my whole family turn into strangers…… I want. To know how or why. Are we puppets? Is somrone using the black arts against. Me?,i write. This as a last visage. To save my love ones.. I knwo im dying i have limited time left… Pleaee someone help them. Either they are under oppression. Possession. Or i might need a raki master. Or chaos magician? Ive made my peace with dying. In my heart i knomaor can feel this is super natural. Either by hand of man ? Energy? Demons? Spirirs? Witchcraft? Good. People. If anyone can see or feel. . Please. Tell us how to proceed. Becauee i have days left at best. I do not want to die and leave my family unprotected. . may blessings be upon everyone …and may the brightest of healing lights help my family be stronger and walk unafraid.Chance mordrake
November 1, 2019 at 5:34 pm #19416Chance79
Greetings, dear Chance, it is my honor to do this reading for you.
I connect with my spirit guide, Master Lanto. I ask that Melchizedek and Metatron join me.
I feel your energy. It feels dense, anxious, fearful. I see the sky as if a tornado is coming, like a dark storm. This is an image of your mindset. Not an image of a curse upon you. May I say that this does not need to be in your energy field. Who led you to believe that it had to be this way? You are the owner of your space. Your fears attract those things which are now tormenting you. Transform and transmute the dark clouds into sunshine. Visualize the dark clouds going away.
Each day feel that the clouds are going away. Feel the sense that it is getting better. Keep saying, “I am well. All is well.”
I asked that any of your ancestors who might have a message for you come through. This is what they say: “We see you; we see what you are going through. Arise and be well. We commit to our path before we are born. When did you forget your path? Walk along with us. Let us begin to pick up the pieces of this shattered vessel. The journey home is sometimes slow, but you must begin somewhere. Turn to a time when you were happy and the sky was clear. Remember that time. Feel how you felt. Hold that feeling. Let it permeate your whole being and soul.”
Think in your mind, “I am protected from anything that might harm me.” See a bubble of white light surround you. Let this white light envelop you, and let it grow to feel your home. Let this white light be with you as you wake up and when you lie down. Think about this white light protecting you throughout the day.
Return to the light that is your path. Banish thoughts that darkness must be with you, or that there is a curse or witchcraft being used against you. Think only of the good things that surround you.
There are issues with a blocked root chakra. This is the chakra that helps us feel safe in our family, and with our emotions. It feels like you have loved and love was not returned to you. When you interact with anyone or anything with intentional balanced love and kindness, then you offer yourself as a model of love without judgment or limits.
You are being asked not to believe in witchcraft and curses. Believe that only white light is allowed in your aura. When you waver and start to believe in the darkness…switch the light on…let the white light in.
Your heart is in pain and wants clarity. You say: “Who can I trust? Who loves me back? How can my relationship heal? Do I still have a chance to get my family back?” You are asked to believe that you are worth loving. The mistakes you made were not all your fault. Continue loving those that have deserted you. In time they will reconnect with you through communicating in better ways.
Pay attention to synchronicities that will occur around you. The dark clouds are moving away. Listen to the way the Universe sings to you. Accept the love that is always offered to you.
There are many choices and options around you now; each with their own merit and each with their unique challenges. You have been learning the process of navigating this world without losing your truth to it. All paths ultimately lead one home.
I hear the voice of your father saying, “Son, don’t go down like this! Our family has always been fighters. We don’t give up the fight? Wash away your tears.”You can use this prayer as you imagine white light surrounding you:
Dear God/Creator:
Thank you for helping me heal. Thank you that every day I am getting better. Thank you for my many blessings. Thank you that I am here right now. AmenI am sending Reiki energy to you. Relax and be calm. This energy will go where it is needed.
This is my Reiki opening prayer:
Mother, Father, God, Infinite Wisdom, Creator, Source of all things:
Help me be a clear channel of divine light and let Reiki go where it is needed for the best and highest good of Chance Mordrake. I invite Reiki Guides, spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, ancestors, and all those that would assist in this healing. Thank you for the healing that will occur today. In deepest gratitude for everything. In love and clarity.
I also want to share this with you:Reiki Principle:
Just for today do not worry.
Just for today do not anger.
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders.
Respect the oneness of all life.
Show gratitude.
Make your living honestly.November 1, 2019 at 7:51 pm #19417Dear melinda…
I graciously thank you for all of your time . aswell as readings with your guides. But truly i am atva loss. Becuase unless i interrupt the wrong meanings .. All that is wrong and all that is going on so horribly bad… From grave health ..tortured visions and nightmares. .. From feeling others loss and greif and total bleakness of the future. .. Ive been told i empath on people not knowing. But if that is true. I turn my heart and mind and third eye away.. Im just so surprised. So you feel its psychosomatic? ?? Or all in my mind? So for certain .. You can say with certainty. No black arts are are afoot? “? I. Value your opinion and visions. I just cant understand. How my health organs failing. Teeth shattering and breaking starring to rot. From no where in months time.. Such dread sickness either high emotions. Or lack there of swings back and forth in our home… I feel this mostly started on the eve of blood moon eclipse. . at the peak . my wife and i where outside. Enjoying the site and simly talking. Well later on that eatly am. . i witnessed with my own eyes. Something or someone had jumped my wife. When she laughed aloud made me taken aback for i knew after 15 years. That wasnt her. Aswell her eyes all of them pur black. For hours i prayed with our son ..used black salt prayer sage frekesince. .becuase honeslty i have no experience in this area at all. So after id say 12 hrs… After reciting passage online of excorism rights . the entity never did announce itslef. But after exhasuting ever avenue i had. Out of purley frustration i said demom why choose her? She weak .you can have me im strong and most intelligent. I give you permission to jump me… Well finally my wife was back speaking. Looking normal asking whats going on. ? Never once did i feel anyyhing. Or see anything after that. I dont believe the spirit. Lost energy demonic force entered me at all. But where did it go? I think my 12cyear old son. the days since then. Hes changed so much. A shadow of his formee self. ..once loving and loud bright.. Now dark bruding mad sulking… how he affected… The only affcts i have from no where. Teeth. From pefect. To state of decay.. Skin eyes yellow. Organs . Vitality libido gone. Everything i once had passion for.. I feel nothing for… in closing with all my heart. . if your sure its just me? And its psychosomatic. The best and honorable thing to do is move myself from our home .if i am the origin of all of this misery. .i ask you just one more time please go on. A walk with your guides one last time… I promise you i have been 100% honest and sincere.. Bless you for your time..November 2, 2019 at 3:03 am #19419Dear Chance, greetings and love sent to you. I did a Reiki distance healing for you this afternoon.
I did not mean to imply that what you are going through is psychosomatic. Not at all. What is happening to you is very real. I don’t feel it is a curse or witchcraft. It feels more like an entity. I see the darkness surround a home…like a dark being walking around really fast, like a swirl around. I have also asked in the quantum field if this is a curse or witchcraft and I am told it is not.
The way that I know to disperse this energy is through white light. Bring in the white light through visualizations and images.
Perhaps a session with Dale Sellers is needed. He would definitely be able to pinpoint the entity and why it is attacking you and your family. I have known several Shamans who are also skilled in this type of attack. Personally, I am not able to assist other than sending you Reiki energy, and also having you use the Universe’s white light.
White candles throughout the home helps, along with crystals that send an energy field of protection throughout your home. You can program the candles and crystals to assist in removing the darkness force field throughout your home and bodies.
I hope that you use the white light to assist you. I am going to send a protective shield of white light throughout your home tonight. Sometimes, more than one Reiki session is also needed. I have placed your energy on my healing altar for tonight. It under my Buddha, rose quartz, and amethyst.
Please let me know if you feel a difference throughout your home.In deep spiritual love, Melinda
November 2, 2019 at 11:52 am #19421Dearest melinda.
As always thank you so much for your time and energies spent. I am rather weak today. Eyes and my teeth and hearing literally disapearing daily ..ive tried not to get overwhelmed or give up and let what ever this is claim victory.. But i am beaten down. I know you cant give me anymore insight of this entenity you speak? What is a entity? Never was alive or human correct? So like a demon from hell? Or a elemental….it grows frustrating everytime i reach out to you or another for help. I physically attacked.. Very sudden acute pains . near blindness from headaches….a freind of mine. Emailed me a long prayer of protection and light to recite daily. Then once a week after a month. He warned me that by speaking it allowed my elements would worsen. Well that was correct. I couldn’t finish it… So it makes me think im the one under possession or oppression? And if that is the case i need to know foe certain today.. So i can do. Whats right. And leave my home to protect my family. I live in rural west Virginia. And to speak of these things around here unheard of. I have no one to contact rather it be. Shaman. Preist.or physical medium or chaos magicians? I know im but a stranger to you. But please give me an idea what to do? For i dont know how much longer. I can fight. So drained weak and weary…
With all my best regards and love. Chance mordrakeNovember 2, 2019 at 2:41 pm #19422Hello, Chance, you are a beautiful energy going through a really rough time (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). I didn’t see the darkness enter you, my vision was of it circling your home. However, since you have the immense physical symptoms, I am assuming it has entered you…??? I will continue to work sending protective energy to you, your family and home. I did a Reiki session yesterday afternoon with a crystal chakra grid, and then I sent a protective shield throughout your home and your body. Have you felt a difference?
This healing Reiki energy is very powerful. It transmits through space and time. I will continue to do Reiki until next Friday (11/8/2019).
Have you lit white candles? Or used crystals? This will assist in dispersing this dark energy. Open the windows and let it leave the home. Stand in the middle of the house, and tell it to leave..NOW! Feel your energy own your home and body. Take back your energy. I wish I was there to assist you, however, know that I am doing everything in my tool kit and psyche to assist you through this.Whether to leave the home or stay is a personal decision. I would think you would want your family near you for support.
My husband and I went through a really bad time in the early 2000s. We had several sessions with Dale (my husband and me) that helped us heal. My husband’s symptoms were different from yours, and he actually could see spirits around him.I’ve included the link to a session with Dale Sellers:
I can attest to Dale’s authenticity. He will bring clarity to your questions, and assist where I am not able. The amount of money you pay for your session is worth every penny!
Please continue to communicate with me, and let me know how you are doing. You can send me a private message if you wish.With love, Melinda
November 3, 2019 at 1:13 am #19423Hello,Chance, I did an aura clearing during your Reiki session today. I saw an angel by your side. It was Archangel Duma, then another angel, Metatron was there to assist in the Reiki session. Ascended Master Melchizedek wanted to join in. I proceeded to do an energy surgery, extracting any dark energy within you. Much was cleared out and sent to other dimensions who can transmute this energy.
I am holding your energy with some clear crystals through the night.
A lot of clearing occurred today. I hope you sense it. I sure do!In sincerity, Melinda
November 5, 2019 at 4:54 am #19424Dear melinda..
I hope this dawn finds you in the best of ways. And i cant expresss how thankful i am for all that you have done to help me. Sunday i can say i did feel alot better. Unfortunately it only lasted a day.i did some research on the angels you spoke of near my side… Arch angel duma has many titles.. Once a symphonic angel. He quit took vow of silence. So as i understand. . he beacme the angel of silence and authority over the wicked dead. A thousand eye angel of death with rod and sword of fire. With 36 pair of wings. And god put him in charge of punishing the wicked dead in hell… So i got confused……to say the least.. I couldnt figure out why he would. Be by my side. Alasci was close to dearth.. And he was to take me to hell.? Aswell as arch angel metetron. Gods right. Handvangel. Has do many titles as well angel of death. That he tells two angels beneath him to collect the souls of the fallen. Daily…. Again was confused. Lol. He was once the scrybe angel. Wrote down everything in book of life. .well thank you for your time and pateince. Blessed. Be the peace always be upon you always. . sincerly. ChanceNovember 5, 2019 at 1:55 pm #19425Hello Chance, I send you much love and Universal white light. May it go where it is needed.
In my work, when Archangel Duma shows up in a reading, it is a sign for either the client or for me to be silent. For the client, it means to find a quiet time of reflection, and call in silence. Take time to silence the mind. In your reading, AA Duma was assisting you in slowing down your thoughts and fears. AA Duma brings in stillness and peace.
For me, as the reader, it can mean different things for different clients. Sometimes it means that I should listen and not speak, for my words will not have any affect for the client’s situation. Sometimes words confuse the client. There are words and terminology used that could be confusing to the client. So rather than finding clarity the client gets more confused. Often words interfere with the truth that is seeking expression.
In this reading, for all readings are different, Duma showed up to assist you find peace and stillness. You were being gifted with peace to take away your fears. Begin listening more often, and you will be delighted with the result.
AA Metatron is known as a very powerful angel. It is said he was once human as he understands and relates to human suffering. When his energy shows up it is sometimes to heal the inner child. Sometimes, it can mean to pay attention to a child near you and the gifts they are offering you. Children are innocent and truthful. They do not judge or condemn. Are you judging yourself and say, “I should have done this or that….I could have done this or that…?” This is the shoulda-coulda matrix!
Metatron encourages us to take back our power. This is why Metatron is walking with you. All around us are presences, ancestors, and many, many energies that are present to assist us in our hour of need. As you claim your power with authenticity, the child within will come forward and the buoyancy of your life will expand with great joy.
Metatron showed up to help you feel safe, and to know for certainty that you have protection from any dark forces. He is available to help you disperse the dark energy that came to claim your life.
Continue sending white light throughout the day to yourself. Imagine white light starting at your heart center and radiating throughout your body. Send this energy throughout your home. For yourself, set the intention to heal you. For your home, set the intention that you are sending a security shield in every room and corner of your home. I use this practice almost daily. As a psychic empath, I could be a sponge for all types of information and energies to enter me. The shields I have in place prevent this from happening. When I start to get insights/information on things I don’t want to see or feel, I say, “guard up, shield up”.
Our minds are very powerful, and personal energy is an incredibly powerful force. What we think will be. (Again, I am not saying you are going through psychosomatic symptoms.) I am saying this is how all energy workers do it. They harness the power within and without, and use it on command.
Check out the Life Mastery Program that Dale Sellers offers. The courses changed my life. Dale is always available to assist his students when the courses get tough.
FYI…I continue to send you Reiki healing to go where it is needed. I used a piece of paper with an outline of a body that represents you. I infused it with frankincense and myrrh in your body’s energy centers. I have a white crystal grid within the body outline. I concentrate Reiki energy to this representation of you and send it through time and space to where you are. The energy transmits wherever the person resides. I can sense your energy when I am doing this. In the last few days, the energy has felt lighter. I no longer see darkness swirling around you or your home. (I place a towel over it at night. Otherwise I would not be able to sleep, for the energy is too active and powerful.) I’ll take a picture of and try to post it on my wall or send it to you in a private message.
Lastly, I hope you avail yourself of Dale’s psychic counseling.With deep sincerity, Melinda
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