You did nothing wrong here, so no need to apologize. OK to share here. Just wanted to make sure you knew the nature of this community. I personally have a bitter/sweet relationship with western medical science. In some ways it’s great and can save your life. But some of the psychiatric stuff is over the top. Medicating 5 year old kids because they’re too hyper, really? I know if I went to psych doctor they would diagnose me with all kinds of conditions, schizophrenia, psychotic, who knows what else. In some places, merely believing in psychic ability will get you classified as a mental case even through there is research to back it up. Many of those doctors will give you a diagnosis because they simply are ignorant of the spiritual aspect of life and because there’s more money to be made if they get you locked into pharmaceuticals for the rest of your life. Not saying you should listen to doctors, but also consider coming up with your own determination. Meditation, as taught here on this site, can be a great alternative to western psychiatric treatment, and it will not deteriorate your body like the meds will.