
  • Cjb and Profile picture of CactusmoonCactusmoon are now friends 6 years, 3 months ago

    • Hello cjb, very interesting question. Not knowing you or anything about you, let me see what comfort and assistance I can offer. First, let me tell you, I have tendency to come across as harsh. Truly, I’m quite the opposite. It’s just that I’m not one to mix words. I am a firm believer in the unedited truth. I’m curious if you are wondering whether he will try to come back soon, because you intend to take him back, or because you want to be prepared in order to stay strong? As you have decisively stated he is not good for you I hope the latter of the two is the reason you are wondering. For, he is most assuredly returning, very soon if not already. What I would like you to do, is read your post, but as if it is a strangers words. Completely and honestly be objective. Then advise yourself as if you are talking to someone else. I am no stranger to this exact scenario and the loneliness felt even though I know the relationship is unhealthy and the partner is toxic. I’ll be checking back to see how you are doing. If you plan to or already have taken him back, there is no answers or advice, to give. Not until you are done. Be Blessed