Tesilwesil314 posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago
Will our relationship be repaired or will he starting a relationship with his baby mother?
Tesilwesil314 posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago
Will our relationship be repaired or will he starting a relationship with his baby mother?
There will be a tender moment between you two. Where you can now up.
Make up*
Since he is staying with her our they romantically involved or they just friends
I feel silence is my best because i get so upset that he is staying with her an ignoring me. He says he will never come back.
I feel like its just a baby’s mama.
He nwver answer me he say its none of my business because we not together
Out of everyone i spoke to you was the first the know what happened nobody brought up a baby
So a tender moment huh
Will it been soon? Or give it time?
Will it been soon? Or give it time?
I don’t know, these voices are messing with me. They give me gifts but they hate me trying to set me up and stuff. I try to be honest whether it’s just my feeling or for a fact. It’s just spirits using outstanding insight sometimes they don’t answer me because they’re using my brain, I can’t tell if there’s romance or just baby’s mama. They try to stay in control where I can’t use my own brain so I won’t develop. I’m sorry.
I heard nine months.
Did you hear it? I heard you say you heard it. I’m sorry I thought I was psychic.
I personally feel like it will be soon. Like real soon.
Like tomorrow soon.
Sorry, that was weird.
Huh 9mths was you first voice response
Are you feeling this or the voices are speaking?
I feel things too. When you’re clairvoyant, you hear things but you he to go by feelings too but the first thought was nine months, but I felt like it was just a random thought then I had a really strong feeling like it was going to be tomorrow soon. Like a really strong feeling. Is he going to be coming over tomorrow?
He dont talk to me so i dont know
If so its only to see the kids and he usually calls my son phone
He been back and forth visiting the boys but we alqays argue.
Even when i want to touch him or hug him he pushes me back so i have tried sweetness
He says he dont want a relationship with me anymore
So i just dont know i dont know if he love me or not
Do he love me
Do he feel guilty for his actions