
  • ronnie18 started the topic Question about my passion in the forum Free Psychic Questions 2 years, 7 months ago

    My goal in life and biggest desire has always been to be a successful musician. I’m currently in a band with my closest friend and someone we met recently but get along with great; like we’ve been friends forever. The issue is we rarely ever get together, and I know full well that we will not get anywhere like this. Its like they’re both so busy and it takes them forever to respond to me. I wonder sometimes if they have the same commitment and dedication as me. This is all I ever wanted but I just feel stuck, cause I really don’t want to do it without them. I’m wondering if anyone can give me any insight; should I stay with them or look elsewhere. Thanks

    • Too much thinking about an issue takes nowhere as just passing time. Taking action is important that pondering about that issue for a long period.