
  • MelindaR replied to the topic He won't open up in the forum Free Psychic Questions 4 years, 10 months ago

    Namaste LynnG:
    Thank you for the opportunity to connect with you and your guides.
    As I focus on your energy, I get a vision of you looking in the distance at some people, and then you walk away quite fast.
    I see him sexually interested in you, yet there seems to be no true heart connection with you from his energy. I see you in pain and in love.
    He likes the chase and the excitement of having two women who love him. There are no words that will hold him to you. All attachment to you is temporary.
    I see his walls are long and narrow. He keeps to himself, and does not like to share his emotions. There is a sense of dormant aggression.
    I hear that in 1-2 months this relationship will dissolve permanently.
    Your root and sacral chakra ask for attention. Let peace enter your life. Use the time of void/emptiness to be filled with creative energy. Allow yourself to move, dance, garden, meditate, color, paint, sew, weave.
    You are the center of your Universe. His freewill allows him to venture into any relationship that serves his needs. He does not have your best interest at heart.

    Love, Melinda