
  • MelindaR posted an update 4 years, 11 months ago

    I pulled three cards from the Vision Quest deck: The Shaman (5), Three of Air (Doubt), Father of Fire, with The Father of Water (who snuck in behind the Father of Fire!).
    The world energy is in doubt that all is well and that all will return to normal. The three reminds us of the fluid pyramid. The cycle of crystalline illumination. Within our chakra and up into dimensions are energy pyramids. Most of the time we navigate on the 3rd dimension, and there are times we go higher up. Have you ever felt like you lost time or felt a little dizzy? Perhaps you took a trip to another dimension. The pyramid brings in energy that is divine. It awakens in us dormant energies. Sooo, the dormant energies…the lust of world leaders for more power, for more control. We the citizens, feel lost and fearful and doubt what is really happening, and doubt what we watch and read in the news. Who is really telling us the truth? We doubt our leaders, the news, our health system. We doubt the changing times. We doubt that this could be a positive time for reflection. Get out of your head. Your thinking, fearing, stressing too much. Let not doubt hold you back.
    The Shaman (5)-The five reminds us that truth shall be revealed. Five brings all energy and situations that have been hidden. Yet, they may not be visible for understanding. It invites you to look deeply at the truths around you and the deceptions. When you see the truth the star of five will emerge and the freedom from pain, chaos, and doubt is abundant. The Shaman reminds us to live an authentic life. We can no longer live a superficial life. Do not hide your truth and gifts. Draw from the spiritual energy of the Shaman that is inside all of us. We are living in a new earth. The parameters are changing. When it feels like we have no control, we actually have all the control we ever needed. We navigate through this world without fear as we travel inward ever deeply. Meditation, as a disciplined Shaman sets a forcefield of energy that sets us apart from chaos and fear. The Shaman lives his truth and authenticity through his spiritual life. His creative forces allow him to create the world as he wishes it to be. He stands by his totem of power and does not waver. Insightful as the raven, he scans past, present, and future. His is the wisdom of the ages. Join him and transform into the raven. Feel the wind against your face. See the cities and villages below. Send light as you travel.
    Father of Fire reminds us that we are the charismatic visionary. He uses the strength of his passion to navigate the hunt, and provide for his family. He knows the hunt will be successful. Doubt does not enter his heart. He is confident and self-assured. The fire in his tent never goes out. Spirit asks that we live in confidence that all will be well. Know that there is enough food, water, and supplies for all.

    Bonus card: Father of Water-sensitivity, perceptiveness, psychic receptivity, patience, inner knowing, intuitive through process, artistic talent.
    The truth is within you. The truth exists without words. Leaders lie for their own gain, and news medias are politicized. What does your heart say? Our intuition will set us free from the external control that wishes to ensnare us. Touch your heart and ignite the diamond star in its center. Radiate that light to your whole body, room, your property, and to the world. Navigate your emotions with positive energy.