
  • Ms_Cosmo posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago

    Good Afternoon(depending on your location)to everyone!
    I’m Grateful to be&have been a member of the community for awhile. In the past,I hadn’t taken full advantage or spent as much time to engage as I would have liked to,but now that I’m able to,I’m excited to be an active member of the community!
    I’ve sent friend requests to people found in various topics.Feel free to send me a request.
    I’m more engaged in the community now.I’m hoping to assist people to the best of my ability,I’m also excited to learn more,with other members,along with the resources available.
    I recognized”awarenesses&had heightened senses”in various situations,for as long as I can remember,that people around me didn’t seem to notice or recognize.
    I have&do experience intuitive dreams,as well as”feelings or a sixth sense”at different times.
    As I’ve matured,I’ve become more open&have learned to embrace them,rather than passing them off as coincidence.
    I’ve been to physics in the past&have had experiences that were insightful&others that weren’t@all.
    I believe that each of us, individually,Can guide ourselves throughout life,many times people don’t take advantage of our own abilities whether it’s from lack of knowledge or belief that it’s possible, but it Definitely Is!
    I’m excited to meet&get to know Everyone!
    Blessings to each&everyone for: Faith,Happiness,Light&Love to All!